Revised April 1998
Section 1. | The name of this organization shall be the Rocky Mountain Section of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). |
Section 2. | The Section geographical boundary is determined by the ASEE Board of Directors. The Section is further subdivided into the East and West Regions (roughly by the Continental Divide) for administrative convenience. |
Section 3. | The objectives of this Section shall be: |
Section 1. | Membership shall be of two classes: individual and institutional. |
Section 1. |
The officers shall consist of the Section Chair, Past Section Chair, Vice Chair East, Vice Chair West, Annual Meeting Chair, Secretary-Treasurer and Newsletter Editor. |
Section 2. | The Chair shall hold office for one year. The Vice Chair East and Vice Chair West shall be elected in alternating years for a period of two years and shall be Section Chair Elect on an alternating annual basis. |
Section 3. | There shall be a nominating committee of three members composed of the immediate Past Section Chair and the representative Vice Chairs for the East and West regions, with the Past Section Chair serving in the chair. Two names will be placed in nomination for the position of Vice Chair East or Vice Chair West, whichever is due to be filled. The voting shall place at least two weeks before the annual Section meeting. |
Section 4. | The Secretary-Treasurer and Newsletter Editor shall be appointed by the Section Executive Committee. |
Section 5. | The elected officers shall be declared as elected at the annual meeting and all officers shall take office 10 days following the annual section meeting. |
Section 6. | The Executive Committee of the Section will be the Section Chair, Immediate Past Section Chair, Vice Chair East, Vice Chair West, Secretary-Treasurer and Newsletter Editor. |
Section 7. | Liaison representatives may be appointed from the Divisions of ASEE (e.g., Relations with Industry (RWI) and Educational Research Methods (ERM). |
Section 8. | If a vacancy occurs in any of the offices, such vacancy shall be filled by an appointment made by the Executive Committee. |
Section 9. | Duties of officers: |
Section 1. | The Rocky Mountain Section shall hold its Annual Meeting in the spring with the program to be determined by the Section Chair. |
Section 2. | The Annual Meeting will be at the location of the school of the Section Chair. |
Section 3. | The registration fee to defray a reasonable portion of the cost of the meeting may be assessed those individuals attending the meeting. |
Section 4. |
The Section Chair shall hold a meeting of the Executive Committee in the fall for the purposes of planning the year's activities and of reviewing these bylaws and the responsibilities of officers. The Chair of Council of Sections, Zone IV, shall be invited to attend. |
Section 1. | Amendments to the Bylaws shall be made at any annual meeting by a majority vote of the members present and voting at the same meeting. |
Revised April 1998
Section 1. | The name of this organization shall be the Rocky Mountain Section of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). |
Section 2. | The Section geographical boundary is determined by the ASEE Board of Directors. The Section is further subdivided into the East and West Regions (roughly by the Continental Divide) for administrative convenience. |
Section 3. | The objectives of this Section shall be: |
Section 1. | Membership shall be of two classes: individual and institutional. |
Section 1. |
The officers shall consist of the Section Chair, Past Section Chair, Vice Chair East, Vice Chair West, Annual Meeting Chair, Secretary-Treasurer and Newsletter Editor. |
Section 2. | The Chair shall hold office for one year. The Vice Chair East and Vice Chair West shall be elected in alternating years for a period of two years and shall be Section Chair Elect on an alternating annual basis. |
Section 3. | There shall be a nominating committee of three members composed of the immediate Past Section Chair and the representative Vice Chairs for the East and West regions, with the Past Section Chair serving in the chair. Two names will be placed in nomination for the position of Vice Chair East or Vice Chair West, whichever is due to be filled. The voting shall place at least two weeks before the annual Section meeting. |
Section 4. | The Secretary-Treasurer and Newsletter Editor shall be appointed by the Section Executive Committee. |
Section 5. | The elected officers shall be declared as elected at the annual meeting and all officers shall take office 10 days following the annual section meeting. |
Section 6. | The Executive Committee of the Section will be the Section Chair, Immediate Past Section Chair, Vice Chair East, Vice Chair West, Secretary-Treasurer and Newsletter Editor. |
Section 7. | Liaison representatives may be appointed from the Divisions of ASEE (e.g., Relations with Industry (RWI) and Educational Research Methods (ERM). |
Section 8. | If a vacancy occurs in any of the offices, such vacancy shall be filled by an appointment made by the Executive Committee. |
Section 9. | Duties of officers: |
Section 1. | The Rocky Mountain Section shall hold its Annual Meeting in the spring with the program to be determined by the Section Chair. |
Section 2. | The Annual Meeting will be at the location of the school of the Section Chair. |
Section 3. | The registration fee to defray a reasonable portion of the cost of the meeting may be assessed those individuals attending the meeting. |
Section 4. |
The Section Chair shall hold a meeting of the Executive Committee in the fall for the purposes of planning the year's activities and of reviewing these bylaws and the responsibilities of officers. The Chair of Council of Sections, Zone IV, shall be invited to attend. |
Section 1. | Amendments to the Bylaws shall be made at any annual meeting by a majority vote of the members present and voting at the same meeting. |