(Adopted October 8, 1985,
Amended October 8, 1991, October 9, 1994, September 28, 2001, October 10, 2003)
Article I. Name and Objectives
1. The name of this organization shall be the NORTH MIDWEST SECTION of the American Society for Engineering Education.
2. The objectives are those of the Society with special emphasis upon such aspects as:
a) the creation locally and sectionally of a climate favorable to the growth of an engineering community - technically, professionally and socially;
b) the direction of individual and group thinking toward those aspects of engineering and technology education that are pertinent to the Section area;
c) the promotion of efforts to acquire increased breadth of outlook and insight into the activities and trends of the Society at the national level;
d) the promotion of liaison among member institutions.
Article II. Membership
Article III. Officers
a) The Chair, Chair Elect, and Section Campus Representative shall serve as representatives to the Zone III Council.
b) With the exception of the Chair, Secretary/Treasurer and Section Campus Representative who should serve for two (2) years, the Elected Officers shall serve for one ( 1) year. Terms of Office for all officers shall coincide with that of the Society officers, beginning at the next Society meeting following the election.
c) The Section Chair may designate person/s to assist in accomplishing the duties of the office. The title and responsibility for the position, however, shall reside with one individual.
a) preside at all Business and Executive Committee meetings of the Section;
b) appoint all standing committees authorized by the Section and ad hoc committees authorized by the members or by the Section -Executive Committee;
c) serve as ex-officio member of all committees;
d) inform the Executive Director of ASEE and the Chair of Zone III of the dates and location of all meetings , immediately after the dates are fixed;
e) keep the Executive Director (ASEE Headquarters) and the Chair of Zone III informed regarding all activities of the Section;
f) extend a welcome to all new ASEE members within the Section upon receipt of the periodic listing from ASEE Headquarters;
g) recommend to the Executive Committee the nomination for Archivist;
h) confirm the appointment of industrial representatives and issue them invitations to the Section meeting;
i) submit nomination of Zone III Outstanding Campus Representative to the Chair of Zone III;
j) contact the deans of colleges after the annual meeting of the Section to update the membership for the Executive Committee and for the Campus Representatives. This list of names, addresses, and phone numbers should be disseminated to the Chair Elect, Campus Representative, Chair of Zone III, and ASEE Member Services;
k) write letters of appreciation to all Section Officers, with copies to their deans, at the close of their terms of office.
Article IV. Executive Committee
Article V. Committees
Article VI. Meetings
2003 Iowa State University
2004 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
2005 South Dakota State University
2006 University of Wisconsin-Stout
2007 Michigan Technological University
2008 University of Wisconsin - Platteville
2009 Marquette University, Milwaukee
2010 Minnesota State University, Mankato
2011 University of Minnesota-Duluth
2012 St. Cloud State University
2013 North Dakota State University
2014 University of Iowa
2015 Winona State University
2016 University of Manitoba
2017 University of Minnesota
2018 University of North Dakota
2019 University of Wisconsin-Madison
a) Host institutions shall be limited to those schools and colleges holding ABET accreditation in engineering curricula or engineering technology;
b) Any institution which has not served as host must submit a written request to the Executive Committee indicating its desire to be included in the rotation schedule of those institutions.
Article VII. Amendments
October 10, 2003
(Adopted October 8, 1985,
Amended October 8, 1991, October 9, 1994, September 28, 2001, October 10, 2003)
Article I. Name and Objectives
1. The name of this organization shall be the NORTH MIDWEST SECTION of the American Society for Engineering Education.
2. The objectives are those of the Society with special emphasis upon such aspects as:
a) the creation locally and sectionally of a climate favorable to the growth of an engineering community - technically, professionally and socially;
b) the direction of individual and group thinking toward those aspects of engineering and technology education that are pertinent to the Section area;
c) the promotion of efforts to acquire increased breadth of outlook and insight into the activities and trends of the Society at the national level;
d) the promotion of liaison among member institutions.
Article II. Membership
Article III. Officers
a) The Chair, Chair Elect, and Section Campus Representative shall serve as representatives to the Zone III Council.
b) With the exception of the Chair, Secretary/Treasurer and Section Campus Representative who should serve for two (2) years, the Elected Officers shall serve for one ( 1) year. Terms of Office for all officers shall coincide with that of the Society officers, beginning at the next Society meeting following the election.
c) The Section Chair may designate person/s to assist in accomplishing the duties of the office. The title and responsibility for the position, however, shall reside with one individual.
a) preside at all Business and Executive Committee meetings of the Section;
b) appoint all standing committees authorized by the Section and ad hoc committees authorized by the members or by the Section -Executive Committee;
c) serve as ex-officio member of all committees;
d) inform the Executive Director of ASEE and the Chair of Zone III of the dates and location of all meetings , immediately after the dates are fixed;
e) keep the Executive Director (ASEE Headquarters) and the Chair of Zone III informed regarding all activities of the Section;
f) extend a welcome to all new ASEE members within the Section upon receipt of the periodic listing from ASEE Headquarters;
g) recommend to the Executive Committee the nomination for Archivist;
h) confirm the appointment of industrial representatives and issue them invitations to the Section meeting;
i) submit nomination of Zone III Outstanding Campus Representative to the Chair of Zone III;
j) contact the deans of colleges after the annual meeting of the Section to update the membership for the Executive Committee and for the Campus Representatives. This list of names, addresses, and phone numbers should be disseminated to the Chair Elect, Campus Representative, Chair of Zone III, and ASEE Member Services;
k) write letters of appreciation to all Section Officers, with copies to their deans, at the close of their terms of office.
Article IV. Executive Committee
Article V. Committees
Article VI. Meetings
2003 Iowa State University
2004 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
2005 South Dakota State University
2006 University of Wisconsin-Stout
2007 Michigan Technological University
2008 University of Wisconsin - Platteville
2009 Marquette University, Milwaukee
2010 Minnesota State University, Mankato
2011 University of Minnesota-Duluth
2012 St. Cloud State University
2013 North Dakota State University
2014 University of Iowa
2015 Winona State University
2016 University of Manitoba
2017 University of Minnesota
2018 University of North Dakota
2019 University of Wisconsin-Madison
a) Host institutions shall be limited to those schools and colleges holding ABET accreditation in engineering curricula or engineering technology;
b) Any institution which has not served as host must submit a written request to the Executive Committee indicating its desire to be included in the rotation schedule of those institutions.
Article VII. Amendments
October 10, 2003