2010 Midwest Section Proceedings Archive (PDFs)
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS
September 22-24, 2010
Conference Program
Session 101: Group Based Learning
Presiding: Michael Reynolds, University of Arkansas-Fort Smith
Using In-Class Teamwork Learning Modules in Digital Systems to Improve Conceptual Understanding, Kevin R. Lewelling, University of Arkansas-Fort Smith
A Laboratory Format for Improved Student Participation, Robert Egbert, Missouri State University
Utilizing Pair Programming Techniques in a Web Development Course, Troy Harding, Kansas State University at Salina
Practical Aspects of Teaching via the Group-Based Learning Environment, Robert M. OíConnell, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Missouri & Gavin Duffy, Ted Burke, and David Dorran, School of Electrical Engineering Systems, Dublin Institute of Technology
Session 102: Capstone Design Courses
Presiding: Edgar C. Clausen, University of Arkansas-Fayetteville
Incorporating Creativity into a Capstone Engineering Design Course, Keith L. Hohn, Department of Chemical Engineering, Kansas State University
Benchmarking the Innovations Capstone Course at Oklahoma State University: Lessons learned and changes made, Angel Riggs, Kirby Smith, Cindy Blackwell, Paul Weckler, Dan Tilley, Rodney Holcomb, Shelly Sitton, and Ron Delahoussaye, Oklahoma State University
The 2010 Haiti earthquake: Real-time disaster inquiry in the classroom, Keith E. Hedges, Drury University
The Engineer as Leader: Course Design, Don Malzahn, Lawrence Whitman, Zulma Toro-Ramos, Wichita State University & Julie-Ellen Acosta, The Boeing Company
Session 103: New Technology & Engineering Ethics
Presiding: Joseph J. Rencis, University of Arkansas-Fayetteville
Biotechnology and Bioethics in Engineering Education, R. Asmatulu 1, W.S. Khan 1, E. Asmatulu 2, and M. Ceylan 1, (1=Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2=Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering), Wichita State University
Nanoscale Trends, Opportunities and Emerging Markets, Christopher C. Ibeh, Pittsburg State University
Nanotechnology and Nanoethics in Engineering Education, R. Asmatulu 1, E. Asmatulu 2, and B. Zhang 1, (1=Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2=Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering), Wichita State University
Responsible Conduct of Research in Engineering: Addressing the America COMPETES Act, Sara E. Wilson, Mechanical Engineering, University of Kansas
Plenary Session:Sustainable(Green) Aviation-Challenges and Opportunties
Presiding:Mark Ewing, University of Kansas
Presentation by Professor Ramesh Agarwal, Washington University, St. Louis MO
ASEE plenary Lecture-23 September 2010-Lawrence, Kansas
Session 201
Presiding: Thomas Mulinazzi, University of Kansas
Session 202: Program Evaluation
Presiding: Raju Dandu, Kansas State University-Salina
UAESP: A New and Improved Program for Helping Middle School Teachers Devise Their Own Hands-on Engineering and Science Activities, Bryan W. Hill 1, Carol S. Gattis 2, Christa N. Hestekin 1, Nick Tschepikow 3, George S. Denny 4, and Edgar C. Clausen 1, (1=College of Engineering, 2=Honors College, 3=Northwest Arkansas Education Renewal Zone 1, 4=College of Education and Health Professions), University of Arkansas
Faculty Composition and Doctorates Awarded: An Analysis and Comparison of the Colleges of Engineering at ADVANCE Institutions and their Non-ADVANCE Peers (2001-2009), Shauna A. Morimoto, Anna M. Zajicek, Valerie H. Hunt, Joseph J. Rencis, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Evaluating Student Learning Across the Mechanical Engineering Curriculum, Sara E. Wilson, Peter W. Tenpas, Ronald L. Dougherty, Christopher D. Depcik, Kenneth Fischer, Mechanical Engineering, University of Kansas
Session 203: Technology in the Classroom
Presiding: James Rowland, University of Kansas
Improving the Presentation of Technical Material in Video Talks using Post Production, Andy Gill, University of Kansas
Efficacy of a Final Lab Practicum and Lab Reports for Assessment in a Fundamentals Electric Circuits Laboratory, Edward Greco, Jim Reasoner, Daniel Bullock, Carlos Castillo, Patricia Buford, Gill Richards, Arkansas Technical University
Fun with Convolution and Linear Time-Invariant Systems, Erik Perrins, Department of Electrical and Computer Science, University of Kansas
Session 301: ABET Issues and Study Abroad
Presiding: Sara Wilson, University of Kansas
Seeking ABET Accreditation of Manufacturing and Mechanical Maintenance Technology Programs at Yanbu Industrial College, Dr. Yaser Abdulaziz Hadi, Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Yanbu Industrial College
Planning for the ABET Program Outcomes in Life-Long Learning and Contemporary Issues, Michael Detamore and Paul Willhite, Department of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, University of Kansas
Work in ProgressóGlobal Engineering Collaborative Undergraduate Engineering Program between the USA and China, Lisa Anneberg, Lawrence Technological University, and Suyun Luo, Shanghai University of Engineering Science
Session 302: Instructional Methods
Presiding: Carl Greco, Arkansas Technical University
Evaluating Engineering Problem Solving Skills of First-Year Engineering Students, Heath Schluterman, Ph.D., Kellie Schneider, C. Richard Cassady, Ph.D., University of Arkansas
Are Students ENTITLED to High Grades?, Thomas Mulinazzi and Steven Schrock, University of Kansas
Student-Centered Learning for the Confirmed Lecturer, Robert M. OíConnell, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Missouri
Session 401: University-Industry Partnerships
Presiding: Tom Roberts, Kansas State University
Industry Participation in the Interdisciplinary Team Design Project Course of a Master of Architectural Engineering Program, Lauren M. Ronsse, Lily M. Wang, Clarence E. Waters, Architectural Engineering Program, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Development of an Engineering Sales Program with Industry, Dr. Dave Sly, Dan Bumblauskas, Dr. Frank Peters, Iowa State University
Industry-University Partnership Case Study, C. Baukal, J. Colannino, W. Bussman, John Zink Co. LLC & J. Matsson, Oral Roberts University
The Perils of Cooperative Engineering Programs, Douglas R. Carroll, Missouri University of Science and Technology
ASEE Student Membersí Needs Analysis: Implications for the ASEE Student Constituent Committee, Ann T. Torres-Ayala, University of South Florida, Daniel Bumblauskas, Iowa State University, & Matthew Verleger, Purdue University
Session 402: Course Presentation Issues
Presiding: Christi Patton Luks, University of Tulsa
Teaching Deflections of Beams: Advantages of Method of Model Formulas versus Method of Integration, Ing-Chang Jong, William T. Springer, Rick J. Couvillion, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Determining the Net Positive Suction Head of a Magnetic Drive Pump, Allen A. Busick, Melissa L. Cooley, Alexander M. Lopez, Aaron J. Steuart, W. Roy Penney, and Edgar C. Clausen, Ralph E. Martin Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Arkansas
Using the Engineering Index in Reference Collaboration at a Multi-Campus University, Dona Steffens Davidson, Oklahoma State University-Tulsa & Kevin P. Drees, Oklahoma State University-Stillwater
Need Assessment for Graduate Teaching Assistant Training: Identifying Important But Under-Prepared Roles, YoonJung Cho, Sohum Sohoni, & Donald P. French, Oklahoma State University
Development and Assessment of a Multiple-Choice Quiz for a Bending Stress Quiz, Josh Coffman and Joseph J. Rencis, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Daniel J. Jensen, United States Air Force Academy, Ashland O. Brown and Jiancheng Liu, The University of the Pacific, Kristen Kaufman, The University of Texas at Austin, & Christina White, Columbia University
ABET Workshop
Presented by:
Carl Locke, University of Kansas
Jim Lookadoo, Pittsburg State University
Powerpoint presentations:
What is ABET
What is ABET Harmonization