2005 Midwest Section Proceedings Archive (PDFs)
40th Annual ASEE Midwest Region Conference
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR
September 14-26, 2005
Program Chair: Norman D. Dennis, University of Arkansas
Program at a Glance
Final Progam
College Preparation:
TU STORM 2004: A High School Autonomous Robotics Competition, by Carpenter, Carden, Diaz, Kane, Haack, and Hangs, University of Tulsa
Introducing Students from the Academy for Mathematics and Sciences to Engineering, by Durham, Kuss, Heymsfield, and Sheppard, University of Colorado at Denver / University of Arkansas/ Rogers School District
A Proposed High School Course for Improving Secondary School Recruit Quality, by Epperson, Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the Arts
UM-Rolla's Introduction to Engineering Summer Camp, by Flori, University of Missouri-Rolla
Use of Computer Simulation Games from Instructional Purposes in Middle School and Jr. High, by Miller and Reynolds, Lynch Middle School / Gravette Junior High School
Computer and Manufacturing Engineering: Incorporating Source Code Reading into Operating Systems Class Projects, by Bower, Kansas State University at Salina
Advancing Composites Education and Training through Curriculum Design, by Gray, Wichita Area Technical College
A Novel Hands-On Project in Computer-Aided Manufacturing, by Maletsky and Gabel, University of Kansas
An Undergraduate Course in Perl: An All Purpose Programming Language, by Moore, Thornton, and Skeith, Southern Methodist University / University of Arkansas
Teaching Lean Manufacturing by Learner-centered Methods, by Sun, Zhang, and Pei, Kansas State University
Engaging Students:
Engaging Engineering Students Through Service Learning, by Bernstein, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Engaging Engineering Students through Improved Teaching, by Dennis, University of Arkansas
Enthusiasm in the Engineering Curriculum, by Durham and Hale, University of Colorado at Denver / University of Arkansas
Engaging Students in an Undergraduate Civil Engineering Course, by Madhavan, Christian Brothers University
Experience with the Use of Interactive Classroom Technologies for the Implementation of Problem-Based, Peer-Interaction Learning Environment in Civil Engineering Materials, by Weiss, Rajabipour, Schmit, and Fait, Purdue University
Enhanced Student Learning I:
Integration of Lab Safety Training into the Undergraduate and Graduate Chemical Engineering Programs, by Hays, University of Arkansas
Preliminary Results from a "Course-less" Curriculum Study, by Kolar, Gramoull, Rhoads, and Knox, University of Oklahoma
University Students' Factors of Success, by Korth, University of Arkansas
"Camp Concrete"--An Experiment in Undergraduate Research, by Ramseyer and Brueggen, University of Oklahoma
Integrating Education in Mathematics, Physical Science, Engineering Science and Application in a Required Course, by Schinstock, Kansas State University
Enhancing Student Learning II:
Applying Home Schooling Lessons to Engineering Education, by Edwards, Daniel, Hale, Hanson, and Richardson, University of Arkansas / New Mexico State University
When They Stay and When They Don't: Examples of First Semester Retention Rates and Relationships to Learning Styles, by Ivey and Lambert, University of Memphis
Teaching an Undergraduate Engineering Class for the First Time, by Kailas and Courter, University of Wisconsin-Madison
A Look at OUr GAANN Program in Civil Engineering, by Kolar, Dresback, and Tromble, University of Oklahoma
Enhancing Engineering Education to Reflect the Professional Expectations of the 21st Century: Examples from In-Process Programs, by Lambert, Russomanno, Palazolo, and Ivey, University of Memphis
Enhancing the Educational Experience through Student Programs:
Summer Research Experience in Venezuela: From a Student and Faculty Member's Point of View, by Adams and Rieske, University of Nebraska / University of Arkansas
Role Models: Advisors & Leaders Impact on Student Organizations, by Carter and Gomez, University of Arkansas
Standing Out from the Crowd: Opportunities for Research and Work Abroad in Engineering, by Condray, University of Arkansas
The Professional Development Institute: Completely Unknown at this Time but Destined for Success!, by Matthews and Dwyer, University of Arkansas
REU Program in Microelectronics-Photonics, by Vickers, University of Arkansas
Freshman Experiences:
The Spring Freshman Biological and Agricultural Engineering Course at the University of Arkansas, by Carrier, Vaughn, and Griffis, University of Arkansas
Freshman Interest Groups: Creating Seamless Learning Communities to Enhance Student Success, by Marrero and Beckett, University of Missouri
Development and Implementation of a Common Freshman Course for General Engineering Students at the University of Arkansas, by Matlock, University of Arkansas
Designing and Implementing a First Year Experience Course in Industrial Engineering, by Schneider and Cassady, University of Arkansas
Freshman Retention Study in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Arkansas, by Taylor, Nutter, Davis, and Rencis, University of Arkansas
Innovations in Engineering Design:
The Benefits of an Interdisciplinary Design Project, by Patton, Crunkleton, Henshaw, Jussaume, and Strattan, University of Tulsa
Participation in WERC, an Alternative Capstone Design Experience, by Penney, Thoma, and Beitle, University of Arkansas
Plant Design with Teams of Mixed Vision Capability, by Romey, Swartz, Behrend, Cheung, and Beitle, University of Arkansas / University of Akron
Group Selection in a Senior/Graduate Level Digital Circuit Design Course, by Smith, University of Missouri-Rolla
Introducing New Curriculum:
The Income Tax Return: A Framework for Engineering Economics, by Brockway, Kansas State University at Salina
A Proposed Technology Commercialization and Entrepreneurship Program at Oklahoma State University, by High, Rossler, and High, Oklahoma State University
Law in the Engineering Curriculum at Oklahoma State University, by High and Rossler, Oklahoma State University
Introducing Information Security Courses in the ECE Curriculum, by Namuduri and Pendse
Real-time T-Wave Residuum, by Scott, Greco, and Schlegel, Arkansas Tech University
Laboratory Development:
Enhancing Undergraduate Engineering Laboratory Experience, by Clifft and Haran, University of Arkansas
Laboratory/Demonstration Experiments in Heat Transfer: Free Convection, by Clausen, Penney, Colville, Dunn, El Qatto, Hall, Schulte, and von der Mehden, University of Arkansas
Laboratory/Demonstration Experiments in Heat Transfer: Forced Convection, by Clausen, Penney, Dunn, Gray, Hollingsworth, Hsu, McLelland, Sweeney, Tran, von der Mehden, and Wang, University of Arkansas
Developing Laboratory Courses in a Resource-Constrained Environment, by Manikas, Jussaume, and Kane, University of Tulsa
New Approach of Teaching Engineering Laboratory at Undergraduate Level with Emphasizing on Creativity, Teamwork, and Communication, by Zou and Cai, University of Arkansas
Laboratory Equipment Development:
A High Temperature Hardness Testing System for Mechanical Characterization of Engineering Components, by Chandelkar and Bhat, University of Arkansas
A Low-Cost EFI Engine Dynamometer Part 1--Design and Construction, by Moore, Fisher, Crosby, Helmer, and Wu, Arkansas Tech University
Vertical Integration with a Vortex Tube, by French, John Brown University
Second Order Approximation of Heart Rate Turbulence after an Isolated Pre-Ventricular Contraction (PVC), by Oliver and Greco, Arkansas Tech University
Recruiting I:
Student Recruiting: A Report on Successful Techniques at Other Universities, by Bland, John Brown University
Implementation of a Successful Undergraduate Student Recruitment Program, by Gattis, University of Arkansas
Implementing a Mailing Campaign for Undergraduate Student Recruitment, by Hill, University of Arkansas
Recruiting from a New Source, by Ryan, Wiederstein, King, and Fowler, Oklahoma Christian University / Francis Tuttle Technology Center
Recruiting II:
Recruiting and Retaining Students from Underrepresented Groups for Graduate School at the University of Nebraska, by Adams and Perez, University of Nebraska
Can ABET Professional Skills Stimulate Curriculum Changes that Aid in Student Recruitment, by Bland, John Brown University
Using Service-Based CRM and SalesForce Automation to Increase Productivity of Recruiting Efforts, by Gattis and Hill, University of Arkansas
Global Trends in Engineering Enrollments and Their Impact on Us, by Saxena, University of Arkansas
Graduate Recruitment Strategies, by Vickers, University of Arkansas
Teaching Improvements:
Observations on Teaching Relative Velocity in Engineering Dynamics, by Flori, Oglesby, and Hubing, University of Missouri-Rolla
Learning Virtual Work Method in Statics in a Nutshell: Demystifying It as a Magic Black Box, by Jong, University of Arkansas
Revitalizing Undergraduate Electric Energy Conversion Education, by McCann, University of Arkansas
Using Exam Cover Sheets to Tally Course Assessment Data, by Morse, Kansas State University at Salina
Enhancement of Students' Learning in Large Classes, by Sun, Zhang, and Pei, Kansas State University
Teaching Methods:
Academic Baseball: A Game of Active Learning, by Freyne, Manhattan College
New Teaching for a New Generation: Online Video Technology, by Lewis, Oklahoma State University
A Practical Application of Team Based Learning to Undergraduate Engineering, by Olson, University of Oklahoma
A New Approach for an Undergraduate Mechanics of Materials Course that Integrates Theory, Analysis, Verification and Design, by Rencis and Grandin, Jr., University of Arkansas / Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Project Management Informatics, by Schwer, Dufner, and Morcous, University of Nebraska-Lincoln / University of Nebraska-Omaha
The Soft Side of ABET:
Communication in the Chemical Engineering Curriculum, by Clausen and Garcia, University of Arkansas
Technical Writing as a Site for Assessing Information Literacy, by Collins, Starkey, Kissick, and Oh, Kansas State University at Salina
Re-Design in West Memphis: Engaging Engineering Students in Multi-Disciplinary Teams, by Garcia, Crone, Gattis, and Loewer, University of Arkansas
Using Emerson Circles to Model Personal Growth of Students in Science and Technology, by Kissick and Khan, Kansas State University at Salina