Sage Room, Hyatt Regency Hotel
Albuquerque, New Mexico
27 June, 2001
Fellows in Attendance:
Mary Anderson-Rowland, Ron Barr, Walter
Buchanan, Ralph Buonopane, Gary Crossman, Dick Culver,
Fred Emshausen, Ed Ernst, Lyle Feisel, Cary A. Fisher,
Skip Fletcher, Wally Fowler, Carole Goodson, Earl
E. Gottsman, Charles W. Haines, Deran Hausman, Gerald
Jakubowski, Art Johnson, Edwin C. Jones, Ron Kane,
Don Kirk, Bill Krantz, Bill LeBold, Walter LeFevre,
John McDonough, Albert L. McHenry, Thomas G. McWilliams,
Jr., Art Murphy, Angelo Perna, John W. Prados, Ed
Segner, Ernest T. Smerdon, Jim Stice, George A. Timblin,
Dan Turner, Mahbub Uddin, John Weese, William J (Bill)
Wilhelm, James Yao, Jerry Yeargan, Carl F. Zorowski.
ASEE Staff in Attendance:
Felicia Guglielmi, Frank Huband, Dwight Wardell
Following the traditional scramble by ASEE staff and employees of the hotel to secure sufficient food, drink, cups, and chairs for the Fellows in attendance, Chairman Perna called the meeting to order at 7:21 MDT. Chairman Perna introduced himself, Vice Chairman and Secretary Feisel (Your Humble Servant), and to the cheers and applause of all assembled (especially Your Humble Servant), Bill LeBold, the newly appointed Editor of the Academy of Fellows Newsletter.
It was duly noted that greetings had been sent by Fellows George Burnet, Dan Drucker, and Bob Page, who all had other commitments and were unable to attend this year's meeting. All promised to be in Montreal next year and we look forward to Fellowship with them at that time. A promise is a promise, after all.
The minutes of the 2000 meeting were approved as submitted by former Vice Chairman, Secretary and bon vivant, Larry Wolf.
Chairman Perna then introduced the new Fellows and
invited them to say a few words about themselves.
They complied.
Mary Anderson Rowland said that her principal (professional) passion is increasing the number of women and members of under-represented minorities in the engineering profession.
Walter Buchanan said that he has been a member of ASEE since 1984 and we inferred from his comments that he has enjoyed every minute of it.
Ralph Buonopane said that he has been at Northeastern University for 45 years. While he did not claim that to be a record, we agreed that it was a major achievement.
Lester Gerhardt was unable to attend but we send him our best along with our hope that he will be able to join is in Montreal.
Walter E. LeFevre said that in addition to being an active member of ASEE, he has served on six (6) national boards of various societies.
John McDonough said that he is the incoming chair of PIC II and also noted that he is not Jim.
Albert McHenry said that he has been a member of ASEE since 1977 and has spent 37 (thirty seven) years in higher education. We inferred that he started at the age of eleven (11).
Tom McWilliams said that he retired from the deanship at Widener after 18 years in that position and pointed out that "Jr." should be added to his name. He also noted that he had just found a letter from now-Chairman Perna that he received in 1964 welcoming him to the Chemical Engineering Division, and from which we may infer that Tom never throws anything away.
Ernest (Ernie) Smerdon said that he has had difficulty holding jobs but that he has now been at the University of Arizona long enough to finally retire this year. He assured us, however, that he is NOT retiring from activity in engineering education.
George Timblin said that he has been on the faculty of Central Piedmont Community College for thirty-one years and a member of ASEE since 1977 (nineteen seventy seven).
Bill Wilhelm said that only his mother calls him William and also said that his first ASEE meeting was at Annapolis in 1971 from which we inferred that he also started at the age of eleven.
Chairman Perna then congratulated all of the new Fellows on behalf of the Academy.
Chairman Perna then conducted the traditional ritual of asking those in attendance to "go around the table and introduce themselves". Most Fellows ignored the instruction to go around the table but they did introduce themselves.
Recognizing both the transience of life and the contributions of our predecessors, Chairman Perna asked that the assemblage observe a minute of silence in honor of those Fellows who have gone before us but are now deceased.
At the request of Chairman Perna, ASEE President Fowler then gave a brief (also at the request of Chairman Perna) report on the status of the Society. He stated that ASEE is now getting involved in international activities and K-12 programs. He also reported that the current conference had about 2100 primary registrants with total attendance of about 3000 and some 2100 papers presented from about 2200 submitted.
President-elect Jakubowski then stated his priorities for his coming year in office. His goals are to reduce the average age of ASEE members and increase the involvement of industry. It was suggested that a more worthy, albeit more challenging, goal would be to reduce the ages of individual members. It was also suggested that the goal could be achieved by fiat by simply starting to measure and record member's ages measured in kilodays. (Your Humble Servant notes that this is probably the only place where this suggestion will be recorded) (And rightly so)
Executive Director Frank Huband reported that ASEE has had a good year, the LearnOn project is going well, ASEE will cosponsor a conference in Berlin in September and the finances are as good as they have been.
Chairman Perna then recognized the several Fellows who have served as President of the ASEE and led a round of applause in appreciation of their contributions.
He then stated his philosophy as Chairman of the Academy, pointing out that he is more interested in us having fun and fellowship than in getting too involved in program. Having said that, he then invited any Fellow who is so inclined to volunteer to organize an Academy-sponsored session at the next Annual Conference. Volunteers may contact Chairman Perna at Perna@ADM.NJIT.EDU.
John Weese pointed out that there is now an alphabetical listing of the Fellows on the ASEE web site and requested that we check the list and help ASEE staff in keeping it current. A special concern is identifying those Fellows who are deceased but are not so designated in the roster.
In the open comment period, one Fellow (who shall remain unidentified) suggested that perhaps the age distribution problem might be due to ASEE membership causing an increase in longevity. There was a brief but heated discussion of the suggestion at one table but no definitive conclusion was determined.
Chairman Perna then led the Assembled Fellows in a round of applause for Fellow Skip Fletcher, who will be receiving the Lamme Award this evening. It was also noted by the assemblage that Angie will be receiving the Robert Quinn Award and that fact was also recognized by a round of applause.
The hour being late and there being no further business before the Academy, Chairman Perna adjourned the meeting in good order.
Respectfully submitted,
Lyle D. Feisel, Y.H.S.,
Vice Chairman and Secretary
Sage Room, Hyatt Regency Hotel
Albuquerque, New Mexico
27 June, 2001
Fellows in Attendance:
Mary Anderson-Rowland, Ron Barr, Walter
Buchanan, Ralph Buonopane, Gary Crossman, Dick Culver,
Fred Emshausen, Ed Ernst, Lyle Feisel, Cary A. Fisher,
Skip Fletcher, Wally Fowler, Carole Goodson, Earl
E. Gottsman, Charles W. Haines, Deran Hausman, Gerald
Jakubowski, Art Johnson, Edwin C. Jones, Ron Kane,
Don Kirk, Bill Krantz, Bill LeBold, Walter LeFevre,
John McDonough, Albert L. McHenry, Thomas G. McWilliams,
Jr., Art Murphy, Angelo Perna, John W. Prados, Ed
Segner, Ernest T. Smerdon, Jim Stice, George A. Timblin,
Dan Turner, Mahbub Uddin, John Weese, William J (Bill)
Wilhelm, James Yao, Jerry Yeargan, Carl F. Zorowski.
ASEE Staff in Attendance:
Felicia Guglielmi, Frank Huband, Dwight Wardell
Following the traditional scramble by ASEE staff and employees of the hotel to secure sufficient food, drink, cups, and chairs for the Fellows in attendance, Chairman Perna called the meeting to order at 7:21 MDT. Chairman Perna introduced himself, Vice Chairman and Secretary Feisel (Your Humble Servant), and to the cheers and applause of all assembled (especially Your Humble Servant), Bill LeBold, the newly appointed Editor of the Academy of Fellows Newsletter.
It was duly noted that greetings had been sent by Fellows George Burnet, Dan Drucker, and Bob Page, who all had other commitments and were unable to attend this year's meeting. All promised to be in Montreal next year and we look forward to Fellowship with them at that time. A promise is a promise, after all.
The minutes of the 2000 meeting were approved as submitted by former Vice Chairman, Secretary and bon vivant, Larry Wolf.
Chairman Perna then introduced the new Fellows and
invited them to say a few words about themselves.
They complied.
Mary Anderson Rowland said that her principal (professional) passion is increasing the number of women and members of under-represented minorities in the engineering profession.
Walter Buchanan said that he has been a member of ASEE since 1984 and we inferred from his comments that he has enjoyed every minute of it.
Ralph Buonopane said that he has been at Northeastern University for 45 years. While he did not claim that to be a record, we agreed that it was a major achievement.
Lester Gerhardt was unable to attend but we send him our best along with our hope that he will be able to join is in Montreal.
Walter E. LeFevre said that in addition to being an active member of ASEE, he has served on six (6) national boards of various societies.
John McDonough said that he is the incoming chair of PIC II and also noted that he is not Jim.
Albert McHenry said that he has been a member of ASEE since 1977 and has spent 37 (thirty seven) years in higher education. We inferred that he started at the age of eleven (11).
Tom McWilliams said that he retired from the deanship at Widener after 18 years in that position and pointed out that "Jr." should be added to his name. He also noted that he had just found a letter from now-Chairman Perna that he received in 1964 welcoming him to the Chemical Engineering Division, and from which we may infer that Tom never throws anything away.
Ernest (Ernie) Smerdon said that he has had difficulty holding jobs but that he has now been at the University of Arizona long enough to finally retire this year. He assured us, however, that he is NOT retiring from activity in engineering education.
George Timblin said that he has been on the faculty of Central Piedmont Community College for thirty-one years and a member of ASEE since 1977 (nineteen seventy seven).
Bill Wilhelm said that only his mother calls him William and also said that his first ASEE meeting was at Annapolis in 1971 from which we inferred that he also started at the age of eleven.
Chairman Perna then congratulated all of the new Fellows on behalf of the Academy.
Chairman Perna then conducted the traditional ritual of asking those in attendance to "go around the table and introduce themselves". Most Fellows ignored the instruction to go around the table but they did introduce themselves.
Recognizing both the transience of life and the contributions of our predecessors, Chairman Perna asked that the assemblage observe a minute of silence in honor of those Fellows who have gone before us but are now deceased.
At the request of Chairman Perna, ASEE President Fowler then gave a brief (also at the request of Chairman Perna) report on the status of the Society. He stated that ASEE is now getting involved in international activities and K-12 programs. He also reported that the current conference had about 2100 primary registrants with total attendance of about 3000 and some 2100 papers presented from about 2200 submitted.
President-elect Jakubowski then stated his priorities for his coming year in office. His goals are to reduce the average age of ASEE members and increase the involvement of industry. It was suggested that a more worthy, albeit more challenging, goal would be to reduce the ages of individual members. It was also suggested that the goal could be achieved by fiat by simply starting to measure and record member's ages measured in kilodays. (Your Humble Servant notes that this is probably the only place where this suggestion will be recorded) (And rightly so)
Executive Director Frank Huband reported that ASEE has had a good year, the LearnOn project is going well, ASEE will cosponsor a conference in Berlin in September and the finances are as good as they have been.
Chairman Perna then recognized the several Fellows who have served as President of the ASEE and led a round of applause in appreciation of their contributions.
He then stated his philosophy as Chairman of the Academy, pointing out that he is more interested in us having fun and fellowship than in getting too involved in program. Having said that, he then invited any Fellow who is so inclined to volunteer to organize an Academy-sponsored session at the next Annual Conference. Volunteers may contact Chairman Perna at Perna@ADM.NJIT.EDU.
John Weese pointed out that there is now an alphabetical listing of the Fellows on the ASEE web site and requested that we check the list and help ASEE staff in keeping it current. A special concern is identifying those Fellows who are deceased but are not so designated in the roster.
In the open comment period, one Fellow (who shall remain unidentified) suggested that perhaps the age distribution problem might be due to ASEE membership causing an increase in longevity. There was a brief but heated discussion of the suggestion at one table but no definitive conclusion was determined.
Chairman Perna then led the Assembled Fellows in a round of applause for Fellow Skip Fletcher, who will be receiving the Lamme Award this evening. It was also noted by the assemblage that Angie will be receiving the Robert Quinn Award and that fact was also recognized by a round of applause.
The hour being late and there being no further business before the Academy, Chairman Perna adjourned the meeting in good order.
Respectfully submitted,
Lyle D. Feisel, Y.H.S.,
Vice Chairman and Secretary