A. Yes, deadlines are firm; however, there are instances where there may be an extension to a deadline, especially if the deadline is scheduled near or around a holiday. ASEE PRISM must follow an extensive editorial process before classified ads are printed. Please check the ASEE Classified advertising website here for updates and changes to a deadline.
A. Since we have converted to an electronic system, you can create your invoice in the system and print it immediately, or you can pay it online and print your receipt. Your hard copies of your receipt or invoice will be mailed at a later date along with your tearsheet. Electronic copies of your tear sheet can be retrieved here.
A. Please contact the Classified Advertising Manager regarding agency discounts.
A. For an agency, you can use an insertion order number or ad ID number in place of a purchase order. For institutions not using a purchase order number, please provide a credit card or purchasing card number. You can go online to pay your invoice if you set up an account with ASEE to expedite payments.
For both agencies and institutions not paying with a purchase order, please provide a current email address of the contact that will be paying the invoice, and a complete mailing address to your accounts payables office. It is preferred that an identification number be referenced.
A. You can submit an ad with more than one discipline.
You can email your ad directly to us or you can submit it here, using our electronic system. To submit online, you must create an account with ASEE first. If you have any problems with any of our submission methods, please contact
Classified Advertising Manager
E-mail: classifieds@asee.org
A. Yes, deadlines are firm; however, there are instances where there may be an extension to a deadline, especially if the deadline is scheduled near or around a holiday. ASEE PRISM must follow an extensive editorial process before classified ads are printed. Please check the ASEE Classified advertising website here for updates and changes to a deadline.
A. Since we have converted to an electronic system, you can create your invoice in the system and print it immediately, or you can pay it online and print your receipt. Your hard copies of your receipt or invoice will be mailed at a later date along with your tearsheet. Electronic copies of your tear sheet can be retrieved here.
A. Please contact the Classified Advertising Manager regarding agency discounts.
A. For an agency, you can use an insertion order number or ad ID number in place of a purchase order. For institutions not using a purchase order number, please provide a credit card or purchasing card number. You can go online to pay your invoice if you set up an account with ASEE to expedite payments.
For both agencies and institutions not paying with a purchase order, please provide a current email address of the contact that will be paying the invoice, and a complete mailing address to your accounts payables office. It is preferred that an identification number be referenced.
A. You can submit an ad with more than one discipline.
You can email your ad directly to us or you can submit it here, using our electronic system. To submit online, you must create an account with ASEE first. If you have any problems with any of our submission methods, please contact
Classified Advertising Manager
E-mail: classifieds@asee.org