Tue. June 12, 2012 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
217B, San Antonio Convention Center
Session Description
Empirical Research in the first-year reveals opportunities for enhancing the first-year experience. Topics include classroom technologies, learning management systems, teaching strategies, and student monitoring in a self-paced course.
Moderated by
Dr. Beverly Louie
Papers Presented
Real-time Monitoring of Student Procrastination in a PSI First-year Programming Course
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Dr. Mitchell Pryor (University of Texas, Austin)
An 18-Month Study of Student Embracement and Use of a Learning Management System at an Urban, Research Institution
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Julie M. Little-Wiles M.S.M., Ph.D. (A.B.D.) (Purdue University, West Lafayette), Dr. Stephen Hundley (Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis), Dr. Wanda L. Worley (Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis), and Mr. Erich J. Bauer (Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis )
Effects of Lecture Capture on a Large First-year Engineering Course
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Jason Bazylak (University of Toronto), Dr. Susan McCahan (University of Toronto), and Dr. Peter Eliot Weiss (University of Toronto)
Both Sides of the Equation: Learner and Teacher
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Dr. Janet Callahan (Boise State University), Dr. Doug Bullock (Boise State University), and Dr. Seung Youn Chyung (Boise State University)