Sun. June 25, 2017 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM
Delaware B, Hyatt Regency Columbus
Session Description
This session features papers submitted to the ASEE Diversity Committee paper track focusing on engineering workforce culture, climate and possibilities for change in both industry and academia.
For those interested in:
Academia-Industry Connections, Advocacy and Policy, and Broadening Participation in Engineering and Engineering Technology
Moderated by
Dr. Adrienne Minerick
Papers Presented
Climate Control: Gender and Racial Bias in Engineering?
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Dr. Su Li (U. C. Hastings, College of the Law), Dr. Roberta Rincon (Society of Women Engineers), and Prof. joan Chalmers Williams (University of California, Hastings College of the Law)
Engineering Faculty Perceptions of Diversity in the Classroom
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Dr. Kelly J Cross (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) and Dr. Stephanie Cutler (Pennsylvania State University, University Park)
Making the Invisible Visible: Exploring Cultural Differences of Faculty Working on a Multicultural Team
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Ms. Sevinj Iskandarova (James Madison University) and Dr. Oris Griffin (James Madison University)
Career Arcs that Blend Industry, Government and Military Service with Faculty Experiences to Increase Diversity in the Engineering Professoriate
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Prof. Rebecca A Bates (Minnesota State University, Mankato), Dr. Erick C Jones (University of Texas, Arlington), and Dr. Alan A. Arnold (AAAS Science and Technology Fellow at the National Science Foundation )