Free ticketed event
This workshop will consist of 4 separate sections over a period of 4 hours:
A. An introduction to IoT, what it is and what it can be used for in a teaching environment.
B. A hands-on experiment using a IoT development board (currently a Particle Photon, which costs $19) assembled onto a prototype board capable of being controlled via an Internet interface, e.g., by smart phone or a laptop. The project will use simple hardware, such as turning on an LED, to demonstrate how IoT devices work and to demonstrate how quickly you can get hooked up on line (<20 minutes).
C. Building on the simple example, a more complex project will combine inputs from workshop participants into a simple quiz "voting" system. This project demonstrates how IoT devices provide data input to on-line analytics.
D. A final demonstration will use readily available data sources to show existing, larger scale implementations of IoT.
E. Depending on vendor sponsorships, we will include a display of existing IoT hardware and software.
Hans Scharler Co-founded ioBridge, and created ThingSpeak, an open data platform for the Internet of Things. He is currently the Principal for Internet of Things at the Mathworks
Dr Duncan Bremner has over 30 years in the semiconductor industry and has held operational and strategic executive roles in product development and technology planning within leading organisations such as National Semiconductor and The Intel Corporation.
Duncan is presently employed by the University of Glasgow’s School of Engineering working with both academic staff and industry partners to develop collaborative projects. He is also responsible for the development and delivery of the course on Professional Practice for Engineers in China.
Duncan has been active in promoting a system view of Sensor Systems and more recently, the Internet of Things. He is also a member of the UK advisory committee to the ISO JTC1 on standardisation for IoT. He holds a BSc (Hons) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from The University of Edinburgh, an MBA from the University of Glasgow, and has recently completed a PhD. He is cited as inventor on 17 patents.
Gerald Recktenwald is an Associate Professor in the Mechanical and Materials Engineering Department at Portland State University. His current research interests are in improving engineering education, and in the numerical simulation and measurement of fluid flow heat transfer in electronic equipment, energy efficient buildings, and other industrial applications.
Jeff Branson is the Educational Outreach Coordinator at Sparkfun, where he develops hands-on electronics curriculum for students and educators.