Free ticketed event
2017 Community Engagement Division Service Event—Toy Adaptation for Children with Special Needs
Come join us for our annual community engagement project. This year the Community Engagement Division has partnered with the Toy Adaptation Program at The Ohio State University to host an adaptive toy event. Many toys rely on switches, toggles or buttons to work, but these can be difficult for some children with special needs to activate. During this event, we will reverse engineer everyday toys and add an adapter that can be used with a variety of switches to allow children with special needs to enjoy and use the toys. Adapted toys often cost four or five times more than the standard versions; however, the toys that we adapt will be donated to local toy libraries and families, giving their children access to a large variety of toys. You will also have the opportunity to talk with community and campus partners to learn more about how they have established this program and how you may be able to bring this to your campus.
The event will be on Saturday, June 24th from 1-4 pm.