Mon. June 26, 2017 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Room B241, Columbus Convention Center
Moderated by
Ms. Katherine Smith
Papers Presented
Active Duty Training for Support of Navy’s Additive Manufacturing Strategy
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Dr. Vukica M. Jovanovic (Old Dominion University), Dr. Onur Bilgen (Old Dominion University), Dr. Karina Arcaute (Old Dominion University), Prof. Michel Albert Audette (Old Dominion University), and Dr. Anthony W. Dean (Old Dominion University)
An Exercise in High-School Engagement: Making a Demo Jammer for a Military Applications Course
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Prof. Gene L. Harding (Purdue Polytechnic Institute), Mr. Frank Joseph Rossi Jr. (Trinity School at Greenlawn), and Mr. Michael R. Holtz (Purdue Polytechnic Institute)
Articulation of Military Earned College Credit into the University of North Carolina University System
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Janet C. Ford (Western Carolina University) and Dr. George D. Ford (Western Carolina University)
Entering the Engineering Pathway: Student Veterans’ Decision to Major in Engineering
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Dr. Catherine Mobley (Clemson University), Dr. Catherine E. Brawner (Research Triangle Educational Consultants), Dr. Joyce B. Main (Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering)), Dr. Susan M. Lord (University of San Diego), and Prof. Michelle M. Camacho (University of San Diego)
Overview of Game and Content Design for a Mobile Game that will Prepare Students in Calculus and Physics Prerequisites to the Engineering Curriculum
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Ms. Katherine Smith (Old Dominion University), Mr. John Shull (Old Dominion University), Mr. Patrick Sean Heaney (Old Dominion University), Prof. Yuzhong Shen (Old Dominion University), Dr. Anthony W. Dean (Old Dominion University), and Dr. Jennifer Grimsley Michaeli P.E. (Old Dominion University)