Sun. June 25, 2017 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM
Room B246, Columbus Convention Center
Session Description
ME Division Tech Session 11
For those interested in:
Academia-Industry Connections, Broadening Participation in Engineering and Engineering Technology, and New Members
Moderated by
Dr. Kenneth W. Van Treuren
Papers Presented
The Sagan Research Project for Exploring Statistical Parameters of Typical Mechanical Properties
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Dr. Xiaobin Le P.E. (Wentworth Institute of Technology), Prof. Richard L. Roberts (Wentworth Institute of Technology), Mr. Herb Connors (Wentworth Institute--Dobbs 008), Prof. Vitaliy Victorovich Saykin (Wentworth Institute of Technology), and Mr. Mohammed Khalid Alhuwayrini ()
The Development of a Freshman Engineering Research Program
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Michelle Audrey Pang (Sandia National Laboratories), Dr. Carolyn Conner Seepersad (University of Texas, Austin), and Dr. Sheldon Landsberger (University of Texas, Austin, Department of Mechanical Engineering)
Providing Hands-On Context to Frames and Machines Analysis
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Dr. Robert J. Prins (James Madison University)
Design and Implementation of an Aspirational Ethics Laboratory Course
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Dr. Timothy A. Doughty (University of Portland), Dr. Heather Dillon (University of Portland), Dr. Ken Lulay P.E. (University of Portland), Dr. Karen Elizabeth Eifler (University of Portland), and Zoë Yi Yin Hensler (University of Portland)