Wed. June 28, 2017 3:15 PM to 4:45 PM
Room B140, Columbus Convention Center
Session Description
Mechanical Engineering Division Technical Session 10
For those interested in:
Academia-Industry Connections, Broadening Participation in Engineering and Engineering Technology, and New Members
Moderated by
Dr. Salim M. Haidar
Papers Presented
Designing a Strain Measurement System based on Circle Grid Analysis for Sheet Metal Forming Applications
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Mr. Relmane Baptiste (University of Maryland, Eastern Shore), DeOndre L Clark Jr (University of Maryland, Eastern Shore), and Dr. Payam Matin (University of Maryland, Eastern Shore)
Learning Experience in Designing a Dome Test Setup for Sheet Metal Formability Characterization
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Monica Dore (Affiliation unknown), Mr. Rodrigo Arturo Ramos (University of Maryland, Eastern Shore), Dr. Payam Matin (University of Maryland, Eastern Shore), and Monai Stinnett (University of Maryland Eastern Shore)
Integration of Engineering Theory and Practice in a Junior-Level Machine Design Course
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Dr. Robert Scott Pierce P.E. (Western Carolina University), Dr. Wesley L. Stone (Western Carolina University), and Prof. Sudhir Kaul (Milwaukee School of Engineering)
Material and Processing Basics Through Reverse Engineering
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Prof. Somnath Chattopadhyay (University at Buffalo, SUNY)