Wed. June 28, 2017 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM
Room B235, Columbus Convention Center
Moderated by
Dr. Cristi L. Bell-Huff and Dr. Nassif E Rayess
Papers Presented
Entrepreneurship Initiatives at uOttawa Engineering since 2006
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Dr. Claude Lague P.Eng. (University of Ottawa), Dr. Hanan Anis (University of Ottawa), and Mr. Richard Jean L'Abbé (Affiliation unknown)
RELLIS: A Transformational Initiative for Collaborative Education and Research
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Dr. James K. Nelson Jr. P.E. (Texas A&M University), Prof. John A. Barton PE (Texas A&M University System), Dr. James R. Hallmark (Texas A&M University System), and Mr. Billy C. Hamilton (The Texas A&M University System)
Ecosystems of Entrepreneurship in Canadian Engineering Faculties: A Systematic Map
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Mr. Majed Jarrar (University of Ottawa) and Dr. Hanan Anis (University of Ottawa)
Getting "There": Understanding How Innovation and Entrepreneurship Become Part of Engineering Education
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Mrs. Elizabeth Nilsen (Purdue University), Dr. Edward F. Morrison (Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering)), Raquel Asencio (Purdue University), and Dr. Scott Hutcheson (Purdue University, School of Engineering Technology)
Institutionalizing Campus Innovation and Entrepreneurship Programming by Optimizing a Faculty Grantmaking Process: A Case Study
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Victoria Matthew (VentureWell), Dr. Jeffrey E. Froyd (Texas A&M University), Ms. Raina Michelle Khatri (Western Michigan University), Dr. Thomas M. Katona (California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo), Dr. Robby Sanders (Tennessee Technological University), Dr. Bonnie J. Bachman (Missouri University of Science & Technology), Prof. Renee Cole (The University of Iowa), John Lovitt (Wichita State University and Missouri University of Science & Technology), Dr. Melissa Geist (Tennessee Technological University), Dr. Charles Henderson (Western Michigan University ), Dr. Debra May Friedrichsen (), and Mr. Phil Weilerstein (VentureWell)