Sun. June 25, 2017 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM
Room C150, Columbus Convention Center
Moderated by
Mr. Koenraad E Gieskes and Dr. Marie C. Paretti
Papers Presented
The Role of Engineering Doctoral Students' Future Goals on Perceived Task Usefulness
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Mrs. Marissa A. Tsugawa-Nieves (University of Nevada, Reno), Heather Perkins (North Carolina State University), Blanca Miller (University of Nevada, Reno), Ms. Jessica Nicole Chestnut (North Carolina State University), Dr. Cheryl Cass (SAS Institute), and Dr. Adam Kirn (University of Nevada, Reno)
Challenges and Benefits of Applied Experience as an Engineering Returner in a Ph.D. Program
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Dr. Erika Mosyjowski (University of Michigan), Dr. Shanna R. Daly (University of Michigan), and Dr. Diane L. Peters (Kettering University)
Through 'Collaborative Autoethnography': Researchers Explore Their Role as Participants in Characterizing the Identities of Engineering Education Graduate Students in Canada
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Ms. Jillian Seniuk Cicek (University of Manitoba), Ms. Patricia Kristine Sheridan (University of Toronto), Mrs. Liz A. Kuley (University of Saskatchewan), and Robyn Paul (University of Calgary)
Great Expectations? A Comparative Analysis of Bachelor and Graduate Level Engineering Students' Expectations of University and Experiences of Transition
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Dr. Jane Andrews (Aston University) and Prof. Robin Clark (Aston University)
A Quantitative Pilot Study of Engineering Graduate Student Identity
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Mr. Nathan Hyungsok Choe (The University of Texas, Austin), Dr. Maura Borrego (University of Texas, Austin), Dr. Luis L. Martins (University of Texas, Austin), Dr. Anita Patrick (University of Texas, Austin), and Dr. Carolyn Conner Seepersad (University of Texas, Austin)