Wed. June 28, 2017 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Room A111, Columbus Convention Center
Moderated by
Dr. Catherine Mcgough Spence and Dr. Cheryl Carrico P.E.
Papers Presented
Longitudinal Study of Changes in Student Motivation and Attitudes in Engineering
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Dr. Lisa Benson (Clemson University), Dr. Catherine Mcgough Spence (Clemson University), Mr. Daniel Michael Kuzbary (Affiliation unknown), and Julia L. Sharp (Colorado State University)
Student Motivation in a Peer Designed and Delivered Course
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Dr. Meagan R. Kendall (University of Texas, El Paso) and Miss Michele Carolynn Williams (University of Texas, El Paso)
Establishing the Impact that Gamified Homework Portals Can Have on Students' Academic Motivation
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Brittany Lynn Butler (Affiliation unknown) and Dr. Cheryl A. Bodnar (Rowan University)
Enhancing Student Motivation and Efficacy through Soft Robot Design
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Dr. Andrew Jackson (Purdue Polytechnic Institute), Prof. Nathan Mentzer (Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering)), Jiawei Zhang (Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering)), and Prof. Rebecca Kramer (Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering))