Mon. June 26, 2017 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Room C151, Columbus Convention Center
Moderated by
Dr. Christine Kelly and Dr. Ella Lee Ingram
Papers Presented
FEAL: Fine-Grained Evaluation of Active Learning in Collaborative Learning Spaces
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Ms. Sixing Lu (University of Arizona), Prof. Loukas Lazos (University of Arizona), and Prof. Roman Lysecky (University of Arizona)
Development of the Engineering Learning Classroom Observation Tool (ELCOT)
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Ms. Timeri K. Tolnay (Colorado School of Mines), Dr. Sam Spiegel (Colorado School of Mines), and Dr. Jennifer Zoltners Sherer (University of Pittsburgh)
An Expectancy Theory Based Instrument Assessing Relationships Between Faculty Dispositions and Use of Student-Centered Strategie-
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Dr. Eugene Judson (Arizona State University), Dr. Lydia Ross (Arizona State University), Prof. Stephen J. Krause (Arizona State University), Prof. James A. Middleton (Arizona State University), Dr. Casey Jane Ankeny (Northwestern University), Prof. Robert J. Culbertson (Arizona State University, Department of Physics), and Dr. Keith D. Hjelmstad (Arizona State University)
The Engineering Student Identity Scale: A Structural Validity Evidence Study
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Mr. Nicholas A. Curtis (James Madison University), Robin Anderson (James Madison University), and Dr. Olga Pierrakos (James Madison University)
Developing an Instrument to Understand the Social-Structural Integration of Diverse Students
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Mr. Nelson S. Pearson (University of Nevada, Reno), Dr. Allison Godwin (Purdue University), and Dr. Adam Kirn (University of Nevada, Reno)