Tue. June 27, 2017 3:15 PM to 4:45 PM
Room A124, Columbus Convention Center
Session Description
The 2017 Zone Best Paper presentations.
Papers Presented
2017 Zone I Best Paper: Molecules and Cells: A Model for Addressing the Needs of Students with Varied Backgrounds and Diverse Learning Styles
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Dr. Eileen Haase Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins University) and Dr. Harry R. Goldberg (Johns Hopkins University )
2017 Zone II Best Paper: When Opportunity Knocks—An Alternative Summer Engineering Internship
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Nicole Baker (Mercer University), Dr. Pablo Biswas (Mercer University), and Dr. Scott Schultz (Mercer University )
2017 Zone III Best Paper: Implementing Lecture-based Tutoring to Improve Student Learning
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Dr. Todd Easton (Kansas State University)
2017 Zone IV Best Paper: Assessment of Long-term Effects of Technology Use in the Engineering Classroom
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Dr. Sean St. Clair (Oregon Institute of Technology)