Exploring, Documenting, and Improving Humanitarian Service Learning through Engineers without Borders-USA is a four-year project exploring a variety of challenges and opportunities in university-based service learning programs. Specifically, this project looks holistically at the inception and evolution of a new Engineers Without Borders USA chapter, while analyzing characteristics, values, and demographics of individuals involved in EWB community-based humanitarian projects in multiple chapters. Further, it examines the social, cultural, and professional interactions and exchanges between and among EWB members and community stakeholders in EWB projects, examining several projects from a variety of chapters across the country.
Dr. Tina Lee is an Associate Professor of Anthropology and the Program Director for the Applied Social Science Program at the University of Wisconsin-Stout.
Devin Berg is an Associate Professor and Program Director of the B.S. Mechanical Engineering program in the Engineering and Technology Department at the University of Wisconsin - Stout.
Elizabeth Buchanan is Endowed Chair in Ethics and Acting Director, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, at the University of Wisconsin-Stout.
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