Mon. June 27, 2016 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Room 268, New Orleans Convention Center
Session Description
This session looks at the role of maker spaces in engineering education, as well as programs that use student-centered activities to frame engineering.
For those interested in:
Broadening Participation in Engineering and Engineering Technology and K-12
Moderated by
Dr. Margaret Pinnell
Papers Presented
Engineering Adventure for Youth Generations
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Prof. Claudio Da Rocha Brito (Science and Education Research Council), Prof. Melany M. Ciampi (Safety, Health, and Environment Research Organization), Prof. Rosa Maria Castro Fernandes Vasconcelos (Universidade de Minho), Prof. Luis Alfredo Martins Amaral P.E. (Universidade de Minho), and Prof. Victor F. A. Barros Ing.-Paed IGIP (Science and Education Research Council)
What Do YOU Like to Do?: Exploring Pre-College Students' Career Aspirations and Perceptions of Engineering (Work in progress)
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Mr. James Holly Jr. (Purdue University, West Lafayette), Cole H. Joslyn (Purdue University, West Lafayette), Dr. Avneet Hira (Boston College), Dr. Morgan M. Hynes (Purdue University, West Lafayette), and Ms. Chanel Beebe (Purdue University, West Lafayette)
Supporting K-12 Student Self-Direction with a Maker Family Ecosystem
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James Larson (Arizona State University), Dr. Micah Lande (Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus), and Dr. Shawn S. Jordan (Arizona State University)