Mon. June 27, 2016 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Room 356, New Orleans Convention Center
Session Description
These papers were selected by reviewers and the FPD executive board as some of the best papers in the division.
For those interested in:
Academia-Industry Connections, Broadening Participation in Engineering and Engineering Technology, K-12, and New Members
Moderated by
Mrs. Meg Harkins and Dr. S. Patrick Walton
Papers Presented
Leadership in Practice: A Model for Building Strong Academic Foundations in a Residential Learning Community
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Ms. Noel Kathleen Hennessey (The University of Arizona) and Rebecca Primeau (University of Arizona)
Six Years of Living with the Lab
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Dr. Gerald W. Recktenwald (Portland State University)
Cranking Up Cornerstone: Lessons Learned from Implementing a Pilot with First-Year Engineering Students
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Dr. Susan F. Freeman (Northeastern University), Dr. Courtney Pfluger (Northeastern University), Dr. Richard Whalen (Northeastern University), Dr. Kathryn Schulte Grahame (Northeastern University), Dr. Joshua L. Hertz (Northeastern University), Dr. Chirag Variawa (Northeastern University), Mrs. Jennifer Ocif Love (Northeastern University), Dr. Mark L. Sivak (Northeastern University), and Dr. Bala Maheswaran (Northeastern University)
Can a Five-Minute, Three-Question Survey Foretell First-Year Engineering Student Performance and Retention?
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Stephanie M. Gratiano (Roger Williams University) and Dr. William John Palm IV P.E. (Roger Williams University)
Connections Among University Faculty Engaged in the First Two Years of Engineering and Their Impact on Faculty Attitudes and Practice
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Prof. James A. Middleton (Arizona State University), Prof. Stephen J. Krause (Arizona State University), Dr. Eugene Judson (Arizona State University), Prof. Robert J. Culbertson (Affiliation unknown), Dr. Lydia Ross (Arizona State University), Prof. Keith D. Hjelmstad (Arizona State University), Dr. Yong Seok Park (Arizona State University), Dr. James Collofello (Arizona State University), and Ms. Bethany B. Smith (Arizona State University)