Mon. June 27, 2016 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Room 348, New Orleans Convention Center
Moderated by
Dr. Kristi J. Shryock and Dr. Adeel Khalid
Papers Presented
Hybrid Course Design in Manufacturing Courses to Improve Learning in the Classroom
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Dr. Gozdem Kilaz (Purdue University - West Lafayette) and Dr. Ronald Sterkenburg (Purdue University - West Lafayette)
Integration of Modal Test Results of a Composite Wing into the Introductory Aerospace Vibrations Course
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Dr. Rani W. Sullivan (Mississippi State University)
The Effectiveness of Weekly Supervised Homework Sessions in an Aerospace Structural Mechanics Course
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Waterloo Tsutsui (Purdue University - West Lafayette) and Dr. Michael C. Loui (Purdue University - West Lafayette)
A Fatigue Life Experiment for Aerospace Engineering Undergraduates
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Dr. David C. Fleming (Florida Institute of Technology)