The NSF STEM+C project, AMP-IT-UP, has created three STEM Innovation and Design courses for grades 6-8 engineering and technology classrooms. Each 18-week course incorporates the practices of experimental design, data visualization, and making claims based on evidence, as well as 21st century skills, entrepreneurial skills, and grade-level appropriate math, science and engineering disciplinary content. We will provide teacher and student materials, a list of equipment needs, an electronic Design Process Log and a link to the curriculum website where all materials are posted.
After 14 years in the middle and high school math and engineering classroom where Mr. Rosen was working on the integration of engineering and robotics into the teaching of the core curricula classrooms. He has now been at Georgia Tech's CEISMC for the pas
Roxanne Moore is currently a Research Engineer at Georgia Tech with appointments in the school of Mechanical Engineering and the Center for Education Integrating Mathematics, Science, and Computing (CEISMC). She is involved with engineering education inno
Marion Usselman is a Principal Research Scientist and Associate Director for Development and Educational Innovation at the Georgia Institute of Technology's Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics and Computing (CEISMC). She earned her Ph.D
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