Automated systems have a profound effect on our daily lives and are built and used all over the world. Mobile device are commonly used by engineers for system maintenance. Industries are looking for graduates who have hands-on experience with programmable logic controller (PLC) based automated systems.
This paper describes the design, construction, and evaluation of a learning module on remote access to automated systems using a mobile device such as a tablet or smart phone. The module includes (1) communication software configuration and setup, (2) wireless router setup, (3) how to interface a router with the PLC’s Ethernet adapter, and (4) PLC ladder logic construction. A post evaluation of the lesson indicated students highly enjoyed the hands-on experience as well as learning the subjects.
1998 - Present served as Faculty &Coordinator of Robotics and Automation at Tarrant County College, Ft. Worth, TX
1988 - 98 Taught Computer Maintenance Technology at Eastern Hills High School, Ft. Worth, TX
1986 - 88 Taught Computer Technology at Bryan Institute, Arlington, TX
1985 - 86 Worked at Graybar Electric, Dallas, TX as Branch Manager Trainee
Dr. Sheng-Jen (“Tony”) Hsieh is a Professor in the Dwight Look College of Engineering at Texas A&M University. He holds a joint appointment with the Department of Engineering Technology and the Department of Mechanical Engineering. His research interests include engineering education, cognitive task analysis, automation, robotics and control, intelligent manufacturing system design, and micro/nano manufacturing. He is also the Director of the Rockwell Automation laboratory at Texas A&M University, a state-of-the-art facility for education and research in the areas of automation, control, and automated system integration. He also serves as Director of an NSF Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) program in the area of Mechatronics, Robotics, and Industrial Automation.
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