Mon. June 15, 2015 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM
Room 307, Washington State Convention Center
Session Description
This session will focus on multidisciplinary collaborative student projects, particularly those suitable for capstone courses.
Moderated by
Dr. Kelsey Joy Rodgers
Papers Presented
Creation of a New Advising Metric to Develop Viable Individual Senior Projects
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Prof. Charles Pringle (Central Washington University) and Dr. Craig Johnson P.E. (Central Washington University)
Interdisciplinary Design Course Structure: Lessons for Engineering Instructors from a Capstone Design Course
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Dr. Karl Olsen (Washington State University), Todd Beyreuther (Washington State University), Dr. Michael Wolcott (Washington State University), and Tamara Laninga (University of Idaho )
20 Years of Multidisciplinary Capstone Projects: Design, Implementation, and Assessment
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Jessica Macklin (University of Maryland, College Park) and Mrs. Kylie Goodell King (University of Maryland, College Park)
Interdisciplinary Medical Product Development Senior Capstone Design
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Dr. Miiri Kotche (University of Illinois, Chicago) and Prof. Stephanie Tharp (University of Michigan)