I Am A...
Srividya Bansal joined Arizona State University in Fall 2010 as Assistant Professor. Prior to joining ASU she was a Visiting Assistant Professor at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. She also worked in the industry for 5 years as a Software Engineer at SAP Labs India and Tyler Technologies in Plano, TX. Her primary research focuses on semantics-based approaches for Big Data Integration, Web service description, discovery & composition, and tools for outcome-based instruction design in STEM education. She is also interested in Software Engineering Education research that focuses on experimenting various delivery models in project-centric courses. She designed and developed a Web service description language called USDL (Universal Service-Semantics Description Language). She is the principal investigator of the Instructional Module Development System (IMODS) that is currently under development and funded by National Science Foundation.
Dr. Odesma Dalrymple is an Assistant Professor in the Shiley Marcos School of Engineering at University of San Diego. She conducts research on tools and techniques that can be readily applied in real engineering learning environments to improve student learning and teaching. In this respect her two prominent research contributions are with: 1) artefact-inspired discovery–based pedagogy, i.e., learning activities where students’ exploration of STEM knowledge is self-directed and motivated by interactions or manipulations of artefacts; and 2) the development of faculty expertise in outcomes-based course design through the use of the Instructional Module Development (IMOD) system, a self-guided web-based training tool.
Ashraf Gaffar received his PhD in computer science with a focus on Human Computer Interaction (HCI), and works at ASU as Assistant Professor. He comes with rich industrial experience in software design. Prior to ASU, he worked at SAP as a Senior Design Expert for several years, where he helped design and develop complex software products using User Center Design- (UCD) and other design methodologies. He was instrumental in developing new SAP Design Guidelines as well as multiple software design methods and tools. He received SAP innovation awards for some of his work. Prior to SAP, he worked at other multinational companies including IBM and Johnson & Johnson.
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