I Am A...
Nancy K. Lape is an Associate Professor of Engineering at Harvey Mudd College.
Rachel Levy is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Harvey Mudd College. In addition to her work on fluid mechanics, she is the founder of the blog Grandma got STEM and an investigator on two NSF-funded education projects: one studying flipped classrooms and the other preparing teachers for mathematical modeling in the elementary grades. She is the incoming vice president for education for SIAM, the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics and the outgoing Editor in Chief of SIURO, an online undergraduate research publication. She also is a recent winner of the Henry L. Alder Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Beginning College or University Mathematics Faculty Member.
Darryl Yong is currently an associate professor of mathematics and associate dean for diversity at Harvey Mudd College. His research interests relate to partial differential equations and the preparation and original developmentof high school math teachers.
Dr. Eddy received her doctorate in Applied Cognitive Psychology and has spent her career focused on applying the principles of learning and cognition to evaluation of educational programs. Her work includes published articles and client technical reports as President of Cobblestone Applied Research & Evaluation, Inc. and a faculty member at Claremont Graduate University. Work at Cobblestone focuses on advancing the numbers of underrepresented minority students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields. Dr. Eddy has conducted evaluation or applied research studies on numerous university projects including clients programs funded by the National Science Foundation; U.S. Department of Education Title III and Title V; National Institutes of Health; Howard Hughes Medical Institute, among others. Dr. Eddy also trains professional evaluators from around the world as a faculty member at Claremont Graduate University in the Advanced Certificate in Evaluation Program.
Ms. Hankel is a Research Associate II at Cobblestone and is currently pursuing an Ed.D. from UCLA in Educational Leadership. She has worked as a research associate on one Houghton Mifflin Harcourt efficacy study with sites across the United States, and has worked on numerous other curriculum studies in the past. She manages multiple projects at Cobblestone and is skilled in various aspects of the research process including data analysis, coding, and reporting. She has experience in interviewing, site visits, instrument development, and site management.
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