I Am A...
Dr. Chris Foreman, Ph.D. CSE, MENG EE, is an Assistant Professor at Purdue University in the School of Engineering Technology. He has over 15 years of industrial control systems experience and over 6 years of academic research in the cyber security of critical infrastructure systems. He has also participated in three DHS contracts in the area of critical infrastructure cyber security across the water treatment, dams, and telehealth sectors as well as leading several power sector cyber security projects, including Advanced Metering Infrastructure. Dr. Foreman continues to explore cyber security in critical infrastructure through novel process control solutions.
Dr. Matthew Turner is an Assistant Professor of ECET at Purdue University New Albany where he teaches courses in power systems and controls. Prior to joining the faculty at Purdue, Professor Turner worked as a researcher at the Conn Center for Renewable Energy Research in the area of power and energy systems, with a focus on smart grid implementation and computer modeling. Dr. Turner's current research concentrates on demand response technologies and the application of novel teaching and learning methods to power engineering education.
Dr. Perusich is an associate professor of electrical engineering technology. His research interests include fuzzy logic, fuzzy cognitive maps, STEM education and the social implications of technology.
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