M202·Technical Session M1
Works In Progress
Mon. August 1, 2022 8:45 AM to 9:30 AM
Session Description
Technical Session M1
Papers Presented
Work in Progress: Success and Retention Strategies for STEM Gatekeeper Courses in a Community College
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Ms. Nada Veskovic (Lehigh Carbon Community College)
WIP: Eagle ExCEL-Engineers Connect, Engage, and Learn: An At-Risk Advising Program
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Dr. Elizabeth A. Powell (Tennessee Technological University), Mr. Harry T Ingle Jr. (Tennessee Technological University), and Dr. Kumar Yelamarthi (Tennessee Technological University)
Work-In-Progress: Tackling DEI Issues in the Classroom Through Interactive Historical Fiction
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Dr. Stephany Coffman-Wolph (Ohio Northern University) and Dr. John K. Estell (Ohio Northern University)
WIP: Adaptive Comparative Judgement as a Tool for Assessing First-Year Engineering Design Projects
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Dr. Clodagh Reid (Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest), Mr. Gibin Raju (University of Cincinnati), Dr. Sheryl A. Sorby (University of Cincinnati), and Dr. Niall Seery (Technological University of the Shannon)
WIP: The Student's Perspective on CAD Software in a First-Year Civil Engineering Graphics Course
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Prof. Raymond Eugene McGinnis Jr. (Christian Brothers University) and Dr. Andrew Assadollahi, P.E. (Christian Brothers University)
Work in Progress: Using CATME in Team Development of One-Semester-Long Open-Ended First-Year Engineering Student Design Projects
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Dr. Rui Li (New York University) and Dr. Jack Bringardner (Colorado School of Mines)
WIP: Developing the next generation expert: What we learned from under-academically prepared students about academic self-efficacy in engineering and computing
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Dr. Jennifer I Clark (Montana State University - Bozeman) and Dr. Bryce E. Hughes (Montana State University - Bozeman)
WIP: Effectiveness of Recruitment Strategies for Underrepresented Groups in an Engineering Bridge Program
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Dr. Xinyu Zhang (West Virginia University), Dr. Lizzie Santiago (West Virginia University), and Stefanie Paige Hines (West Virginia University )
WIP: Identity-Based Bias in Undergraduate Peer Assessment
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Miss Madison Jeffrey (University of Michigan), Dr. Robin Fowler (University of Michigan), and Mark Mills (UM, Center for Academic Innovation)
WIP: Contract grading as an alternative grading structure and assessment approach for a process-oriented, first-year course
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Ms. Erica J Marti (University of Nevada - Las Vegas)
WIP: Wrap-Around Advising: A Collaborative Effort Between Faculty Members and Student Success Professionals
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Dr. Andrew Assadollahi, P.E. (Christian Brothers University) and Mr. Mardarius Liddell Thomas (Christian Brothers University)
WIP: The Importance of Freehand Sketching and Technical Drawing
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Prof. Raymond Eugene McGinnis Jr. (Christian Brothers University) and Dr. Andrew Assadollahi, P.E. (Christian Brothers University)
WIP: Investigating the relationship between FYE students’ reflections and academic performance across gender
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Mr. Ahmed Ashraf Butt (Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE)), Dr. Saira Anwar (Texas A&M University), and Dr. Muhsin Menekse (Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE))