Mon. June 16, 2014 6:15 PM to 7:45 PM
Room 123, Indiana Convention Center
Session Description
The session offers expanded views of underrepresentation via a focus on Native American populations, global experiences, issues of accessibility, technology, and multi-institutional explorations.
Moderated by
Dr. Chrissy Hobson Foster
Papers Presented
A Teaching Model for Teaching Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing and Hearing Students with Course Accessibility and Real World Product Design
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Mr. Gary W. Behm (Rochester Institute of Technology (CAST)) and Dr. Antonio Francisco Mondragon (Rochester Institute of Technology/CINVESTAV)
Dialogue of Innovation: Did You Come to See or Did You Come to Stay?
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Mr. Richard R Harris (Northeastern University), Ms. Lauren Machunis (Northeastern University), and Dr. William Tiga Tita (D'Amore-McKim Business School, Northeastern University)
A Philosophy of Learning Engineering and a Native American Philosophy of Learning; An Analysis for Congruency
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Dr. Chrissy Hobson Foster (Arizona State University) and Dr. Shawn S. Jordan (Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus)
Measuring the Educational Benefits of Diversity in Engineering Education: A Multi-Institutional Survey Analysis of Women and Underrepresented Minorities
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Dr. Terrell Lamont Strayhorn (The Ohio State University), Mr. Leroy L. Long III (Ohio State University), Mr. Michael Steven Williams (The Ohio State University), Dr. Marjorie Luce Dorimé-Williams (Baruch College), and Mr. Derrick L. Tillman-Kelly (Ohio State University)
Keeping up With Technology: Transitioning Summer Bridge to a Virtual Classroom
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Mrs. Kendra Woodberry Brinkley (Virginia Commonwealth University), Mr. Falcon Rankins (Virginia Commonwealth University), Mrs. Stevara Clinton (Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Chemistry), and Dr. Rosalyn Hobson Hargraves (Virginia Commonwealth University)