Mon. June 16, 2014 2:15 PM to 3:45 PM
Room 202, Indiana Convention Center
Session Description
Assessing design work can be difficult to accomplish in a purely objective fashion. This session highlights tools and approaches to evaluate student work in ways that reflect post-graduate professional practice and expectations.
Moderated by
Prof. Renee D. Rogge
Papers Presented
The Development of a Rubric to Evaluate and Promote Students’ Integration of Stakeholder Considerations into the Engineering Design Process
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Dr. Alexandra Emelina Coso (Georgia Institute of Technology) and Dr. Amy Pritchett (Pennsylvania State University)
Aligning Design to ABET: Rubrics, Portfolios, and Project Managers
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Dr. Alan Cheville (Bucknell University) and Dr. Michael S. Thompson (Bucknell University)
Student Perceptions of Project Mentoring: What Practices and Behaviors Matter?
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Dr. Marie C. Paretti (Virginia Tech) and Dr. Benjamin David Lutz (Virginia Tech)
Measuring Qualities of Different Engineering Design Process Models: A Critical Review
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James Logan Oplinger (Arizona State University) and Dr. Micah Lande (Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus)
The Discourse of Design: Examining Students’ Perceptions of Design in Multidisciplinary Project Teams
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Megan Kenny Feister (Purdue University, West Lafayette), Dr. Carla B. Zoltowski (Purdue University, West Lafayette), Prof. Patrice Marie Buzzanell (Purdue University, West Lafayette), Dr. William C. Oakes (Purdue University, West Lafayette), and Dr. Qin Zhu (Purdue University)