Live question and answer session with TU Delft's Aldert Kamp, moderated by ASEE President Stephanie Adams
Aldert Kamp, director of education for TU Delft's faculty of aerospace engineering, has been deeply involved in the rethinking of higher engineering education with a horizon of 2030. He has more than 20 years of industrial experience in space systems engineering and 15 years of academic teaching, educational management, and leadership. Author of the report "Engineering Education in a Rapidly Changing World - Rethinking the Vision for Higher Engineering Education," and publisher of a blog entitled "Adapting Engineering Education to Change," Kamp has extensive insight into the competencies engineering students will need at graduation for a successful career in the rapidly changing world of work. He has been involved in university-level education policy development, reconstruction of engineering curricula, and audits of Dutch and international engineering degree programs. He is the academic liaison for the Global E3 university consortium, European co-leader and council member of the CDIO Initiative (an innovative education framework for producing the next generation of engineers), and co-leader of the Dutch 4TU.Centre for Engineering Education, which facilitates innovations in higher engineering education.