Wed. June 24, 2020 11:20 AM to 11:40 AM
Online, A Virtual Conference
Moderated by
Dr. Jeffrey Lloyd Hieb and Dr. Amitabha Ghosh P.E.
Papers Presented
Addressing Math Readiness for Engineering and Other STEM Programs
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Dr. Kathleen Marie Fick (Methodist University) and Dr. Denise H. Bauer (Methodist University)
Getting Your Hands Dirty in Integral Calculus
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Dr. Lee Singleton (Whatcom Community College), Prof. Eric Davishahl (Whatcom Community College), and Todd Haskell (Western Washington University)
Supporting Engineering Students’ Self-efficacy in a Flipped Calculus II Course
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Dr. John Kerrigan (Rutgers University), Dr. Lydia Prendergast (Rutgers University), Jillian A.S. Mellen (Rutgers University), Dr. Geraldine L. Cochran (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey), and Antonio D. Silva (Affiliation unknown)
Results from the Implementation of Wright State Model for Engineering Mathematics at University of Detroit Mercy
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Dr. Shuvra Das (University of Detroit Mercy) and Dr. Kirstie A. Plantenberg (University of Detroit Mercy)
Effects of a Limited Implementation of the Wright State Model for Engineering Mathematics Education Focused on Precalculus Students
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Dr. Nicholas A. Baine (Grand Valley State University)