Wed. June 24, 2020 10:20 AM to 10:40 AM
Online, A Virtual Conference
Session Description
This will be a "best-of" session, so we expect a higher headcount than normal.
Moderated by
Dr. Kaitlin Mallouk and Mr. Timothy J Hinds
Papers Presented
Predictors of First-year Retention Among Undergraduate Engineering Students Who Earn a C in their First-semester Math Course
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Dr. Campbell R. Bego (University of Louisville), Dr. Jason Immekus (University of Louisville), and Dr. Jeffrey Lloyd Hieb (University of Louisville)
Information-seeking Behavior Among First-year Engineering Students and the Impacts of Pedagogical Intervention
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Dr. George James Lamont (University of Waterloo), Dr. Kari D. Weaver (University of Waterloo), Mrs. Rachel Figueiredo (University of Waterloo), Dr. Kate Mercer (University of Waterloo), Dr. Andrea Jonahs (University of Waterloo), Dr. Heather A. Love (University of Waterloo), Dr. Brad Mehlenbacher (University of Waterloo), Carter Neal (University of Waterloo), Dr. Katherine Zmetana (University of Waterloo), and Dr. Rania Al-Hammoud P.Eng. (University of Waterloo)
Do Open-ended Design Projects Motivate First-year Engineering Students?
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Dr. Chao Wang (Arizona State University)
An Autoethnography: Outcomes from Faculty Engagement in Course Development in a Large First-year Engineering Program
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Dr. Holly M. Matusovich (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University), Dr. Homero Murzi (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University), Dr. David Gray (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University), Dr. Benjamin D. Chambers (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University), and Matthew B. James (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
Continuing to Promote Metacognitive Awareness in a First-year Learning Strategies Course
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Dr. Elizabeth Anne Stephan (Clemson University), Ms. Abigail T. Stephan (Clemson University), and Laurel Whisler (Clemson University)