R321·Opening Up: Data, Open Access, and Open Educational Resources
Engineering Libraries Division (ELD)
Thu. June 25, 2020 10:40 AM to 11:00 AM
Online, A Virtual Conference
Moderated by
Anne H Graham and Ms. Anna Sackmann
Papers Presented
Open Mines: Launching a Mini-grant Program to Incentivize Open Educational Resource Development for STEM Disciplines
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Ms. Emily A. Bongiovanni (Colorado School of Mines) and Ms. Brianna B. Buljung (Colorado School of Mines)
Library Facilitation of eTextbooks in Engineering Classes: Student Adoption and Perception
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Ms. Leena N. Lalwani (University of Michigan), Mr. Paul F. Grochowski (University of Michigan), Jamie M. Niehof (University of Michigan), and Dr. Craig E. Smith (University of Michigan)
The Case for Data-sharing Policies and FAIR Sharing Principles: Analyzing Journals and Articles of Engineering and Medical Faculty
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Chris Wiley (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Research Data Practices of Aerospace Engineering Faculty: A Qualitative Study
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Fred Rascoe (Georgia Institute of Technology) and Lisha Li (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Publishing Behavior of Engineering Faculty
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Chelsea Leachman (Washington State University) and Ms. Talea Anderson (Washington State University)