The Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) or more specifically the Learning Management System (LMS) can report to an Online Laboratory Management System (OLMS) information about the student's progress in the class. Based on that information and teacher definition of parameters, the Smart Adapter module retrieves the laboratory activities and assessment content from the VLE and connects them with one or more online laboratory experiment stations to create the Smart Laboratory Learning Objects (SLLO).
The SLLO components include class materials, lab activities, assessment information, student information, and information about access to the online laboratory experiments. These learning objects are managed by the OLMS. Additionally, the teacher can compose Smart Laboratory Learning Objects using a laboratory composer module in the OLMS.
The Smart Laboratory Learning Objects (SLLO), has been defined based on the previous definition of the Laboratory-based Learning Object (LLO) and the one proposed in the Lab4CE. The proposed SLLO integrates the core components of the proposed architecture of the IEEE 1876 -2019 Standard for Networked Smart Learning Objects for Online Laboratories.
The proposed Smart Laboratory Learning Object (SLLO) is defined specifically for laboratory experiences. In this sense, different students will have access to different activities that, in some cases, can use the same laboratory experiments exhibiting different levels of complexity in their interactions and requiring different levels of knowledge for its operation. An example of this is a skilled student using a more challenging experiment and activities, while less skilled students will see a simpler version of the experiment with different activities that evaluate more basic concepts.
This paper proposed the definition of the SLLO architecture that can be used as part of an online laboratory management system OLMS. An example of a SLLO implementation is presented to show the capabilities of this architecture.
Felipe Zapata-Rivera got his PhD in Computer Engineering from Florida Atlantic University, in the past worked as a researcher assistant in the group of educational computer in the EAFIT University in Medellin, Colombia. His work area is specifically the online laboratories and assessment systems, he conducted his undergraduate studies in systems engineering and completed his masters in Engineering at EAFIT University. He has developed systems using automatic assessment (computer based assessments) using algorithms for test generation and LMS systems.
Dr. Larrondo Petrie has a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering and is a Professor and Associate Dean of International Affairs in the College of Engineering and Computer Science of Florida Atlantic University. She is the Executive Director of LACCEI (Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions) and served in the past as an officer of the International Division of ASEE (American Society of Engineering Institutions). She is Editor-in-Chief of the Latin American and Caribbean Journal of Engineering Education, forms part of the International Advisory Board to the Journal of Engineering Education published by ASEE, and is on the Editorial Board of the IEEE Education Society's Iberian-American publication, called RITA because of its acronym in Spanish. She is Chair of Engineering Education Initiatives in EftA (OAS Engineering for the Americas) and organizes the annual OAS Summit of Engineering for the Americas. She is part of the Education Committee of UPADI (in English: Pan American Federation of Engineering Associations) and of WFEO (World Federation of Engineering Organizations). She serves of the Board of ASIBEI (Iberian-American Engineering Education Association), and, in the past, served as First Vice President of IFEES (International Federation of Engineering Societies)
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