Tue. June 18, 2019 3:15 PM to 4:45 PM
Grand Salon B , Tampa Marriott Waterside - HQ Hotel
Moderated by
Teirra K Holloman
Papers Presented
Cross-Cultural Training and Engineering: An Illustration Using Vietnamese Engineering Faculties’ Responses to Nature of Engineering Instrument (Work in Progress)
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Amanda Vazquez (University of Nevada, Las Vegas), Ms. Erica J. Marti (University of Nevada, Las Vegas), Dr. Erdogan Kaya (University of Nevada, Las Vegas), and Dr. Hasan Deniz (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
Experimental Evidence Regarding Gendered Task Allocation on Teams
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Ms. Elizabeth Ann Strehl (University of Michigan) and Dr. Robin Fowler (University of Michigan)
Out-of-Class Impacts of Flexible Classroom Spaces
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Ms. Candace Rose Wiwel (University of Michigan), Dr. Jessica E. S. Swenson (University of Michigan), Mr. Magel P. Su (University of Michigan), Mr. Max William Blackburn (University of Michigan), Dr. Aaron W. Johnson (University of Michigan), and Dr. Cynthia J. Finelli (University of Michigan)
Studying the Resource Networks of First-year Engineering Students: Establishing a Data Collection Method
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Miss Alexis Rae Walsh (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), Miss Emily Diehl (The University of Tennessee, Knoxville), and Dr. Courtney June Faber (University at Buffalo, The State University of New York)
The Impact of Socio-cultural Factors in Qatar on Females in Engineering
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Miss Maha Sultan Alsheeb (Texas A&M University at Qatar) and Dr. Amy Hodges (Texas A&M University at Qatar)