Sun. June 16, 2019 1:15 PM to 2:45 PM
Room 39, Tampa Convention Center
Session Description
This session details engineering identity and the development of engineering interest throughout specific STEM engagements.
For those interested in:
Moderated by
Dr. Rebekah J Hammack
Papers Presented
A Longitudinal Evaluation of an AP Type, Dual-Enrollment Introduction to Engineering Course: Examining Teacher Effect on Student Self-Efficacy and Interest in Engineering (Evaluation)
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Dr. Amy Annette Rogers (Delaware State University), Ms. J. Jill Rogers (University of Arizona), and Dr. James C. Baygents (University of Arizona)
Best practices in Encouraging STEM Majors Among 6-12 Students
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Sr. Mary Ann Jacobs (Manhattan College) and Dr. Zahra Shahbazi (Manhattan College)
Engineering Identity in Pre-College Students: A Literature Review
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Abigail Clark (Ohio State University) and Dr. Rachel Louis Kajfez (The Ohio State University)
Factors Influencing the Interest Levels of Male versus Female Students going into STEM Fields (Evaluation)
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Dr. Murad Musa Mahmoud (Wartburg College), Ms. Jessica Marie Faber (Wartburg College), Luke G. Grzech (Wartburg College), and Prof. Kurt Henry Becker (Utah State University)
Identifying High Impact Activities in Stimulating STEM Interests among High School Students (Evaluation)
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Dr. Bin (brenda) Zhou P.E. (Central Connecticut State University) and Dr. Feng Wang P.E. (Texas State University)