Mon. June 17, 2019 3:15 PM to 4:45 PM
Florida Salon III, Tampa Marriott Waterside - HQ Hotel
Moderated by
Dr. Nader Rafla P.E.
Papers Presented
Evaluation of the Differentiated Instruction Approach for an Electrical Engineering Circuit Analysis Module
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Dr. Craig A. Chin (Kennesaw State University), Dr. Roneisha Wynette Worthy (Kennesaw State University), and Prof. Donna Colebeck (Kennesaw State University)
Please Explain Solution: How Incorporating Video Responses Improved Student Performance in a Circuit Analysis Course
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Dr. Maria Javaid (Jacksonville University)
Assessing the Effectiveness of Peer Instruction in Students’ Understanding of Electric Circuits Concepts
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Mr. Rene Alexander Soto Perez (Purdue University, West Lafayette), Dr. Juan David Ortega Álvarez (Purdue University, West Lafayette, and Universidad EAFIT, Colombia), and Dr. Ruth A. Streveler (Purdue University, West Lafayette)
Teaching Social Responsibility in a Circuits Course
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Dr. Susan M. Lord (University of San Diego), Dr. Breanne Przestrzelski (University of San Diego), and Dr. Elizabeth Reddy (Colorado School of Mines)
Teaching Circuit Concepts Using Evidence-based Instructional Approaches: A Systematic Review
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Mr. Alejandro H. Espera Jr (Virginia Tech) and Dr. Nicole P. Pitterson (Virginia Tech)