Tue. June 18, 2019 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Room 35, Tampa Convention Center
Moderated by
Dr. Robert Renaud and Dr. Nathaniel Hunsu
Papers Presented
Development of an Ethics Survey Based on the Four-domain Development Diagram
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Dr. Nathan E. Canney (CYS Structural Engineers Inc.), Dr. Angela R. Bielefeldt (University of Colorado, Boulder), Dr. Madeline Polmear (University of Colorado, Boulder), Dr. Chris Swan (Tufts University), and Dr. Daniel Knight (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Recognizing Engineering Students’ Funds of Knowledge: Creating and Validating Survey Measures
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Dr. Dina Verdin (Purdue University-Main Campus, West Lafayette (College of Engineering)), Dr. Jessica Mary Smith (Colorado School of Mines), and Dr. Juan C. Lucena (Colorado School of Mines)
Work in Progress – Investigating the Concurrent Validity of an Academic Resilience Scale
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Mr. Adurangba Victor Oje (University of Georgia), Dr. Nathaniel Hunsu (University of Georgia), Dr. Peter H. Carnell (University of Georgia), and Dr. Nicola W. Sochacka (University of Georgia)
Work in Progress – Development and Validation of the Ambassador Questionnaire
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Mrs. Melissa G. Kuhn (Old Dominion University), Dr. Joanna K. Garner (Old Dominion University), and Dr. Shanan Chappell (Old Dominion University)
Work in Progress – The Development of a K-12 Integrated STEM Observation Protocol
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Dr. Gillian Roehrig (University of Minnesota), Dr. Elizabeth Ring-Whalen (St. Catherine University), Jeanna R. Wieselmann (University of Minnesota), Dr. Emily Anna Dare (Florida International University), and Dr. Joshua Alexander Ellis (Florida International University)