T114C·ERM Technical Session 6: Technology-enhanced Instruction and Assessment
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
Tue. June 18, 2019 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM
Room 33, Tampa Convention Center
Moderated by
Dr. Muhsin Menekse and Dr. Sarah Jane Grigg
Papers Presented
Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Use of Online Homework for Circuit Analysis
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Dr. David J. Broderick (Central Connecticut State University)
Pathways of Students' Progress through an On-demand Online Curriculum
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Dr. Jim Morgan P.E. (Charles Sturt University), Prof. Euan Lindsay (Charles Sturt University), Dr. Colm Howlin (Realizeit), and Dr. Maartje E. D. Van den Bogaard (Delft University of Technology)
Engineering Education and Quantified Self: Utilizing a Student-Centered Learning Analytics Tool to Improve Student Success
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Brandon Xavier Karcher (Bucknell University), Dr. Beth M. Holloway (Purdue University, West Lafayette), and Brittany Pierson (Purdue University, West Lafayette)
Transformations in Elementary Teachers' Pedagogical Reasoning: Studying Teacher Learning in an Online Graduate Program in Engineering Education
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Dr. Jessica Watkins (Vanderbilt University), Dr. Merredith D. Portsmore (Tufts University), and Dr. Rebecca D. Swanson (Tufts University)
Work in Progress: Finding the Right Questions: Using Data Science to Close the Loop with Classroom Response Systems
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Asuman Cagla Acun Sener (University of Louisville), Prof. Olfa Nasraoui (University of Louisville), and Dr. Jeffrey Lloyd Hieb (University of Louisville)