M414C·ERM Technical Session 4: Professional Development in Undergraduate Programs
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
Mon. June 17, 2019 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Room 35, Tampa Convention Center
Moderated by
Dr. Aaron W. Johnson and Dr. Saira Anwar
Papers Presented
Measuring the Impact of Experiential Learning
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Dr. John H. Callewaert (University of Michigan)
Work in Progress: The Professional Development Track: A Cooperative Experiential Learning Approach to Academic Success for Underserved Engineering Students
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Dr. Alejandro Gutierrez (University of California, Merced), Mr. Christopher A. Butler (University of California, Merced), and Prof. Abbas Ghassemi (University of California, Merced)
Professional Expectations and Program Climate Affect the Professional Formation of Engineers
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Dr. Manuel Alejandro Figueroa (The College of New Jersey), Dr. Diane C. Bates (The College of New Jersey), J. Lynn Gazley (The College of New Jersey), Dr. Christopher Wagner (The College of New Jersey), Dr. Steven Schreiner P.E. (Manhattan College), and Prof. Bijan Sepahpour P.E. (The College of New Jersey)
Work in Progress: Student to Scholar: A Learning Community Model for Professional Skills Development
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Dr. Matthew Frenkel (New York University), Dr. Jack Bringardner (New York University), and Dr. Sheila Borges Rajguru (New York University)
Perception versus Reality: Skill Perceptions of First-year Engineering Students
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Prof. Samantha Lee Russell (Grand Canyon University) and Dr. Maria Zafonte (Grand Canyon University)