Sun. June 16, 2019 1:15 PM to 2:45 PM
Room 13, Tampa Convention Center
Session Description
This session features papers discussing various hands-on activities and student learning experiences.
For those interested in:
Academia-Industry Connections, Broadening Participation in Engineering and Engineering Technology, and New Members
Papers Presented
Student Perspectives on Using Hands-on Discovery Activities in a Critical Systems Thinking Course
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Dr. Yilin Feng (Purdue University-Main Campus, West Lafayette), Ms. Lorraine E. Holtaway (Purdue Polytechnic Institute), Dr. Mary E. Johnson Ph.D. (Purdue Polytechnic Institute), and Miss Sarah Ryann Congdon (Purdue Polytechnic Institute)
Make to Innovate: Blending of Project-based Learning and Flipped Classroom Pedagogies to Provide Real-world Engineering Experiences to Engineering Students
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Mr. Matthew Nelson (Iowa State University), Dr. Benjamin Ahn (The Ohio State University), and Mrs. Christine Nicole Nelson ()
Unconventional Applications of Aerospace Engineering: Effects of a Design Elective on Perception of Aerospace
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Ms. Hannah Rose Stroud (Texas A&M University), Dr. Kristi J. Shryock (Texas A&M University), Dr. Darren John Hartl (Texas A&M University), Dr. Isaac Emmanuel Sabat (Texas A&M University), and Ms. Kelly K. Dray (Texas A&M University)
Hands-on Exposure to Unconventional Applications of Aerospace at the High School Level
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Ms. Hannah Stroud (Texas A&M University) and Dr. Kristi J. Shryock (Texas A&M University)