Stop lecturing about active learning! Integrating good teaching practices into ASEE conference sessions.
As a leading organization in the field of engineering education, ASEE and its members continue to support advances in engineering education scholarship and research. We have helped to change learning environments in many engineering classrooms to support more active and engaging experiences for our students. How might we explore incorporating a similar range of presentation modes and styles at ASEE?
Join us at the 2019 Interdivisional Town Hall to discuss strategies for changing the culture of the ASEE Annual Conference by incorporating more active and engaging sessions, such as the recent trend toward having postcard sessions. In this spirit, and in keeping with the tone of past meetings, the Town Hall Meeting will be an interactive workshop that will cross divisions. We will begin addressing the items below:
• Share suggestions for ASEE technical sessions that incorporate modern and exciting presentation techniques.
• Generate ideas for making ASEE presentations more audience-focused.
• Compile different session types that foster interactivity and engagement (lightning talks, round tables, demonstrations, live polling, postcard session, etc.)
The Interdivisional Town Hall has been an exciting way for us to un-silo our communities and work together across the entire ASEE membership. Please join us this year to share your thoughts and ideas.
Interdivisional Town Hall Planning Committee
Lynn Albers (ECCD)
Atsushi Akera (LEES)
Doug Bullock (Math)
Alan Cheville (ERM, TELPhE)
Stephanie Cutler (Assessment)
John Estell (First-Year Programs)
Mary Frank (Architectural Engineering)
Steve Frezza (TELPhE)
Gnaneswar Gude (Graduate)
Herbert Hess (ECCD)
Susannah Howe (DEED)
Timothy Kennedy (Community Engagement)
Elien Lane (ECCD)
Jim Lewis (CoED)
Deanna Matthews (E&PP)
Russ Meier (ECE)
Mani Mina (TELPhE)
Daniel Oerther (Engineering & Public Policy)
Rick Olson (Industrial Engineering)
Gurlovleen Rathore (Student Division)
Beena Sukumaran (WIED)
Joe Tranquillo (Biomedical)
Susan Walden (Diversity)
Julia Williams (LEES)