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T311·First-Generation Track - Technical Session IV
NOTE: The session information below is the most current information and differs from the printed program guide.
Technical First Generation
Tue. May 1, 2018 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Salon A, Marriott Crystal Gateway
Session Description

This session will explore the experiences of first-generation students, including their sense of identity and retention.

Moderated by
  1. Mrs. Ryan Nicole Meadows and Dr. Kelly J Cross
Papers Presented
  1. Beliefs and Behaviors of First-generation and Low-income Students in Early Engineering Courses [view paper]
    Dr. Jennifer Blue (Miami University), Brielle Johnson (Miami University), Dr. Amy Summerville (Miami University), and Dr. Brian P. Kirkmeyer (Miami University)
  2. Understanding How Engineering Identity and Belongingness Predict Grit for First-Generation College Students [view paper]
    Dina Verdín (Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering)), Dr. Allison Godwin (Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering)), Dr. Adam Kirn (University of Nevada, Reno), Dr. Lisa Benson (Clemson University), and Dr. Geoff Potvin (Florida International University)