Wed. June 27, 2018 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM
Room 355 B, Convention Center - Salt Palace
Session Description
This session will highlight COED submitted papers that are related to mechanical engineering or have mechanical engineering themes.
Papers Presented
Use of Computer Coding to Teach Design in a Mechanics Course, Resulting in an Implementation of a Kinematic Mechanism Design Tool Using PYTHON
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Dr. Peter L. Schmidt PE (University of Evansville) and Mr. Philip Andrew Lax (University Of Evansville)
A Low-cost Affordable Viscometer Design for Experimental Fluid Viscosity Verification and Drag Coefficient Calculation
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Mr. Joseph Michael Derrick (Indiana University-Purdue University of Indianapolis), Mr. Michael Golub (Indiana University-Purdue University of Indianapolis), Mr. Vaibhav R. Shrivastav (Affiliation unknown), and Dr. Jing Zhang (Indiana University-Purdue University of Indianapolis)
Library and Student Innovation Center: Makerspace!
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Dr. Steven F. Barrett (University of Wyoming), Dr. Tonia A. Dousay (University of Idaho), Tyler J. Kerr (University of Wyoming), Mr. Larry Schmidt (University of Wyoming), Mr. Brandon Seth Gellis (University of Wyoming), and Jesse Ballard (University of Wyoming)
Implementation of a 3D Interactive Mobile App for Practicing Engineering Laboratory Experiment
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Mr. Shuo Ren (Old Dominion University), Mr. Zelin Zhu (Old Dominion University), Dr. Rick McKenzie (Old Dominion University), and Prof. Yuzhong Shen (Old Dominion University)
Conceptual Framework for Integrating a Wireless Sensor and Control Network into a Robotics Course for Senior Students of Mechanical Engineering Technology
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Dr. Zhou Zhang (New York City College of Technology), Dr. Andy S. Zhang (New York City College of Technology), Dr. Mingshao Zhang (Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville), and Dr. Sven K. Esche (Stevens Institute of Technology)