Wed. June 27, 2018 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM
Room 257 B, Convention Center - Salt Palace
Session Description
“Engagement in Practice” sessions include short presentations of each paper (3-5 minutes) with ample time remaining for facilitated discussion and sharing by presenters and members of the audience. Papers in this session are focused on providing descriptive detail of specific community engagement endeavors.
For those interested in:
Moderated by
Ms. Henriette Burns
Papers Presented
Engagement in Practice: Developing a Sustainable K-12 Outreach STEM Program
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Dr. Joan B. Schuman (Missouri University of Science & Technology) and Dr. Katie Shannon (Missouri S&T)
Engagement in Practice: Integration of an Engineering Service Learning Course with a High School Robotics Team
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Dr. Ryan A Munden (Fairfield University)
Engagement in Practice: Infusing the STEM Pipeline Through Community Engaged Learning
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Sara Jordan-Bloch (Clayman Institute for Gender Research at Stanford University) and Ms. Shoshanah Cohen (Stanford University)
Engagement in Practice: Lessons Learned Partnering with Science Educators and Local Engineers in Rural Schools
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Ms. Holly Larson Lesko (Department of Engineering Education, Virginia Tech), Dr. Jacob R. Grohs (Virginia Tech), Dr. Holly M. Matusovich (Virginia Tech), Dr. Gary R. Kirk (School of Public & International Affairs, Virginia Tech), Dr. Cheryl Carrico P.E. (Virginia Tech), Dr. Veronica van Montfrans (), Mr. Andrew L. Gillen (Virginia Tech), Mrs. Tawni Paradise (Virginia Tech Department of Engineering Education), Sarah Anne Blackowski (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University), and Dr. Liesl M Baum (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
Engagement in Practice: STEM Engagement through Mentoring
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Prof. Mariam Manuel (University of Houston), Mr. Ricky P. Greer (University of Houston), Dr. Jerrod A Henderson (University of Houston (CoE & CoT)), and Dr. Virginia Snodgrass Rangel Rangel (University of Houston)
Engagement in Practice: Tensions and Progressions of a Robotics Service-learning Program
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Mr. Matthew Aruch (University of Maryland College Park), Dr. David Tomblin (University of Maryland, College Park), and Dr. Nicole Farkas Mogul (University of Maryland )