Mon. June 25, 2018 3:15 PM to 4:45 PM
Room 150 F, Convention Center - Salt Palace
Moderated by
Dr. Vuk Marojevic and Dr. Tamer Omar
Papers Presented
P2P Platform for Peer Instruction in Flipped Classroom
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Dr. Yun Dai (University of Southern California), Tianmeng Li (University of New South Wales), Dr. Ang Liu (University of New South Wales), and Dr. Stephen Lu (University of Southern California)
Development of Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Program: A Literature Survey
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Dr. Tamer Omar (California State Polytechnic University, Pomona), Dr. Srikanth Venkatesan (California State Polytechnic University, Pomona), and Dr. Abdelfattah Amamra (California State Polytechnic University, Pomona)
A Practical Approach to Cellular Communications Standards Education
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Dr. Vuk Marojevic (Virginia Tech), Dr. Antoni Gelonch-Bosch (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), and Dr. Jeffrey Reed (Virginia Tech)
A Flipped Active-learning Class to Support Diverse Students in a Large Introduction to Programming Class
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Prof. Laura Kay Dillon (Michigan State University) and Ms. Michelle Slattery (Peak Research)