Tue. June 26, 2018 3:15 PM to 4:45 PM
Room 253 A, Convention Center - Salt Palace
Moderated by
Dr. Mohammad Moin Uddin P.E. and Prof. Kevin R. Cook P.E.
Papers Presented
End-of-Semester Control System Design Projects by Senior-level EET Students
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Dr. Biswajit Ray (Bloomsburg University), Mr. Robert Chambers (Affiliation unknown), Nathan Henry (Bloomsburg University), and Mr. Paul Michael Karcher (Affiliation unknown)
Student-made Video Projects in Engineering Technology Courses
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Dr. Rachel Mosier P.E. (Oklahoma State University), Dr. William E. Genereux (Kansas State University), and Katie Rieger (Oklahoma State University)
Simple, Low-cost IoT/UHF RFID-based Lab Equipment Identification and Tracking System
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Dr. Ghassan T Ibrahim (Bloomsburg University)
Student Community Project to Design a Mini-golf Project for the City of Leesville, LA
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Dr. Mohammed Benalla MB (Vaughn College of Aeronautics & Technology)
Product Development Process and Student Learning in an Engineering Technology Capstone Project: Electrical Go-kart
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Dr. Angran Xiao (New York City College of Technology), Dr. Andy S. Zhang (New York City College of Technology), and Ms. Joyce Tam (New York City College of Technology)