Tue. June 26, 2018 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Salon H, HQ Hotel - Marriott at City Creek
Session Description
Four work-in-progress posters are presented as postcards for brief introduction followed by a "gallery walk"-type discussion. The student essay winners will also be presented in this session.
Moderated by
Mr. Bob Rhoads P.E.
Papers Presented
Work in Progress: Senior Design Day – Multi-discipline and Multi-department Capstone Presentation Event.
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Dr. Austin Talley P.E. (Texas State University) and Dr. C. Richard Compeau Jr (Texas State University)
Work in Progress: Tackling the Problems of Knowledge Integration and Barriers to Active Learning in a CDIO Course of Embedded Operating Systems – the Flipped Classroom Approach
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Prof. Yu-Lun Huang (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Chiao Tung University) and Dr. Chao-Yang Cheng (Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering, National Chiao Tung University)
Work in Progress: Visualizing Design Team Analytics for Representing and Understanding Design Teams’ Process
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Dr. Corey T Schimpf (The Concord Consoritum), Mr. Rob Sleezer (Minnesota State University, Mankato), and Dr. Charles Xie (Affiliation unknown)
Evaluating the Impact of Design Sessions on Participants’ Perceptions of Diversity and Inclusion in the Professional Formation of Biomedical Engineers
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Dr. Rucha Joshi (Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University), Dr. Carla B. Zoltowski (Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE)), Dr. Andrew O. Brightman (Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE)), Dr. Sean Eddington (Purdue University), Prof. Patrice Marie Buzzanell (University of South Florida), and David Torres (Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE))
Customer Review-driven Function Formulation for Design Education
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Dr. Ang Liu (University of New South Wales), Mr. Yuchen Wang (University of New South Wales), and Dr. Yun Dai (University of Southern California)